Tips for a Successful Nursing Faculty Interview: Expert Advice for Landing Your Dream Job

Shane Turner
7 min readJan 15, 2024


Are you preparing for a nursing faculty interview? Congratulations! This means that you were successful in applying for your dream job in nursing education.

Do you want to make a strong impression and land your dream job? If so, you might be wondering what the common interview questions are, how to dress appropriately, how to showcase your teaching, clinical, and research experience, and how to address any weaknesses or gaps in your application. In this article, we will provide expert advice and tips for a successful nursing faculty interview that demonstrates your qualifications, skills, and potential.

Nursing Faculty Interview Process Explained

The nursing faculty interview process usually consists of several stages, such as:

  • Initial screening: A review of your application materials, such as your resume, cover letter, transcripts, and references. This stage aims to assess your basic qualifications, such as your education, clinical experience, teaching experience, and credentials.
  • Phone or video interview: A brief conversation with a recruiter or a hiring manager to discuss your interest in the position, your availability, and your fit with the institution. This stage aims to assess your communication skills, your professionalism, and your motivation.
  • On-campus or virtual interview: A more in-depth interview with a panel of faculty members, administrators, and students. This stage aims to assess your teaching skills, your research potential, your leadership abilities, and your cultural competence. You might be asked to give a teaching demonstration, a research presentation, or a tour of the campus. You might also have the opportunity to meet with students, staff, and other stakeholders.
  • Reference and background check: A verification of your employment history, your education, your licenses, and your criminal record. This stage aims to ensure your honesty, integrity, and suitability for the position.

Common Interview Questions for Nursing Faculty Positions

The nursing faculty interview questions can vary depending on the institution, the position, and the panel. However, there are some common interview questions that you can expect to be asked, such as:

  • Why do you want to work for this institution? This question aims to assess your knowledge of the institution’s mission, vision, values, and culture. You should research the institution beforehand and learn about its history, achievements, challenges, and opportunities. You should also explain how your skills, experience, and goals align with the institution’s needs and expectations.
  • What are your teaching philosophy and methods? This question aims to assess your teaching effectiveness, your student-centered approach, and your innovation. You should explain your philosophy of nursing education, your methods of instruction, your assessment strategies, and your use of technology and simulation. You should also provide examples of your teaching experience and its impact on your students and colleagues.
  • What are your research interests and achievements? This question aims to assess your research potential, your scholarly contributions, and your critical thinking. You should explain your research agenda, your methodology, your findings, and your dissemination. You should also provide examples of your research experience and its relevance to nursing education and practice.
  • What are your leadership and service roles? This question aims to assess your leadership potential, your teamwork, and your community engagement. You should explain your leadership style, your mentoring, your advocacy, and your involvement in professional organizations. You should also provide examples of your service roles and their impact on your profession and society.
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses? This question aims to assess your self-awareness, your honesty, and your willingness to learn and improve. You should explain your strengths that are relevant to the position and the institution, such as your clinical expertise, your teaching skills, your research potential, or your leadership abilities. You should also explain your weaknesses that you have identified and addressed, such as your lack of experience in a specific area, your difficulty in managing time, or your tendency to procrastinate.

How to Dress for a Nursing Faculty Interview

The nursing faculty interview attire can vary depending on the institution, the position, and the culture. However, there are some general guidelines that you can follow to dress appropriately and professionally, such as:

  • Dress conservatively: Wear a suit or a dress that is formal, clean, and well-fitted. Avoid bright colors, bold patterns, or revealing styles. You should aim to look polished, but not flashy.
  • Wear comfortable shoes: Wear shoes that are comfortable, clean, and appropriate for the occasion. Avoid high heels, sandals, or sneakers. You should aim to look professional, but not uncomfortable.
  • Keep accessories simple: Wear accessories that are simple, elegant, and minimal. Avoid jewelry, watches, or bags that are distracting, noisy, or bulky. You should aim to look sophisticated, but not overwhelming.
  • Maintain good hygiene: Groom yourself well, such as your hair, your nails, your teeth, and your skin. Avoid strong perfumes, colognes, or deodorants. You should aim to look fresh, but not overpowering.

Preparing for a Nursing Faculty Interview

To prepare for a nursing faculty interview, you need to research the institution, the position, and the panel. You also need to review your application materials, such as your resume, cover letter, transcripts, and references. Here are some tips for preparing for a nursing faculty interview:

  • Research the institution: Learn about the institution’s mission, vision, values, culture, and reputation. Visit the institution’s website, social media, and news releases. Talk to current or former employees, students, or alumni. Attend any public events or seminars hosted by the institution.
  • Review the job description: Learn about the position’s requirements, responsibilities, expectations, and qualifications. Make sure you understand the job title, the rank, the tenure status, and the salary range. Match your skills, experience, and goals with the job description.
  • Anticipate the questions: Learn about the common nursing faculty interview questions and prepare your answers. Practice your responses with a friend, a mentor, or a coach. Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your answers. Be concise, specific, and honest.
  • Prepare your documents: Bring copies of your resume, cover letter, transcripts, and references. Organize them in a professional portfolio or folder. Make sure they are up-to-date, accurate, and relevant to the position.
  • Dress appropriately: Dress professionally and conservatively. Wear a suit or a dress that is clean, ironed, and comfortable. Avoid bright colors, bold patterns, or revealing styles. Wear comfortable shoes that match your outfit. Avoid high heels, sandals, or sneakers.
  • Be on time: Arrive at least 15 minutes before the interview. Check the location, the parking, and the traffic. Bring a map or a GPS if needed. Turn off your phone or any other electronic device. Greet the receptionist or the interviewer politely and respectfully.

Common Nursing Faculty Interview Questions

The nursing faculty interview questions can vary depending on the institution, the position, and the panel. However, there are some common nursing faculty interview questions that you can expect to be asked, such as:

  • Why do you want to work for this institution?: This question aims to assess your knowledge of the institution’s mission, vision, values, and culture. You should explain why you are interested in the position, what you can offer the institution, and how you fit with the institution’s goals and objectives.
  • What are your teaching philosophy and methods?: This question aims to assess your teaching effectiveness, your student-centered approach, and your innovation. You should explain your philosophy of nursing education, your methods of instruction, your assessment strategies, and your use of technology and simulation. You should also provide examples of your teaching experience and its impact on your students and colleagues.
  • What are your research interests and achievements?: This question aims to assess your research potential, your scholarly contributions, and your critical thinking. You should explain your research agenda, your methodology, your findings, and your dissemination. You should also provide examples of your research experience and its relevance to nursing education and practice.
  • What are your leadership and service roles?: This question aims to assess your leadership potential, your teamwork, and your community engagement. You should explain your leadership style, your mentoring, your advocacy, and your involvement in professional organizations. You should also provide examples of your service roles and their impact on your profession and society.
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?: This question aims to assess your self-awareness, your honesty, and your willingness to learn and improve. You should explain your strengths that are relevant to the position and the institution, such as your clinical expertise, your teaching skills, your research potential, or your leadership abilities. You should also explain your weaknesses that you have identified and addressed, such as your lack of experience in a specific area, your difficulty in managing time, or your tendency to procrastinate.

Making a Strong Impression During a Virtual Nursing Faculty Interview

If you are invited for a virtual nursing faculty interview, you need to prepare well and show your confidence and competence. You should expect to answer questions about your education, work experience, research interests, teaching philosophy, and career goals. You should also be ready to demonstrate your teaching skills and knowledge of the subject matter. Here are some tips for making a strong impression during a virtual nursing faculty interview:

  • Test your technology: Make sure your computer, camera, microphone, and internet connection are working properly. Test them before the interview and make sure you have a backup plan in case of any technical issues. Use a headset or earphones to improve the sound quality.
  • Choose a quiet and well-lit location: Choose a location that is quiet, private, and well-lit. Avoid any background noise, distractions, or interruptions. Make sure the lighting is bright enough to show your face and your body language



Shane Turner

Information to help educate the next generation of nurses and all of the nursing faculty jobs available on the web.