Non-Art Tokens (All the other NFTs)

James Berky
3 min readDec 15, 2021


Not every NFT is an 8-bit avatar image that would look great on your grandpa’s AOL account.

As the NFT marketplaces expand their features and abilities, we see more audio, short video, 3D and other types of files offered, as well as the now-standard 10,000 item sets of CryptoAlienMonkeyFishPeople works of “art” to be used for PFP (photo for profile).

In addition to truly beautiful and insightful works of art — and some art of questionable value — NFTs can represent music pieces, domain names, event tickets, even virtual land in a metaverse (Decentraland, Sandbox, etc.).

In the near future we should see NFTs that represent ownership of physical objects (autos, real estate, jewelry, etc.), securities (stocks, bonds, business ownership, etc.), intellectual property (trademarks, copyrights, patents, etc.) and more.

NFTs can also be split into smaller fractional ownership amounts. The smart contract behind an NFT can codify which whole or fractional NFT owners get shares of income and in what amounts, as well as what rights and abilities they have.

Another major category of NFTs is collectibles. Many of the art collections straddle the border between collectibles and art, but there are some NFT projects that are not necessarily considered art although they do have an image that represents each NFT.

Three projects that are designed specifically as collectibles are the Crypto Color Collection, BibleNFT and Charmorer’s NFT Charms. These collections can be found on the marketplace.

The Crypto Color Collection is a set of NFTs that represent HTML hexadecimal color values.

This collection currently has over 67,000 NFTs and more are being minted every day. There are over 16 million 6 character hexadecimal color codes. Buyers may also contact the collection owner to request specific colors.

The BibleNFT collection is NFTs representing individual Bible verses.

Over 17,000 NFTs have been minted so far out of a possible 31,000+ Bible verses. NFTs for additional verses are being minted every day. Contact the collection owner if you’d like to purchase a specific verse that has not yet been minted.

NFT Charms by is a collection of charms. Charmorer creates unique, one-of-a-kind NFT charms. Each charm includes up to 5 foci (areas of focus), a strength value, and 6 facets.

NFT Charms are relatively new, but 1000 have been minted so far with more dropping every day. The charms are for:

activities — betting, games, sports, travel
business — finance, market, operations, relationships
social relationships — colleagues, friends, mate, pets
sports teams — by mascot, city
wealth — art, autos, crypto, stocks
work — jobs and careers

Charms have strength value from 5 to 20 — with initial power levels from 15 to 100.

The website also has search and filter tools for finding charms for specific topics and those with high power levels, lucky numbers, and specific facets.

The NFTs in these collections are all unique (some NFTs are #X of 100 of the same item or art work) so this makes them highly collectible. The NFT Charms also have additional elements like the 6 facets (color, date, animal, nature, aspect, specificity) and lucky numbers where certain values are more rare than others. Many collectors place a high value on NFTs with rare attributes.

Once you’ve secured a much-sought-after CryptoPunk (if you can afford it) or another avatar image, and maybe one or two art NFTs, consider adding a collectible to your wallet.



James Berky

James is the Chief Marketing Officer for Charmorer, the original foundry of NFT charms.