How To Mint — Basic Analysis & Guide

Mint is an opportunity to purchase the project’s NFT at the creator’s price. This means that you and other people who bought the drop, form pricing on the secondary.


It is important to understand that this is not another case in which you need to scribble messages, rivet art or beat tattoos to get WL. After all, mint needs an analysis of the project and money. Today we will analyze in detail two different options, two different popular blockchains: Solana and Ethereum.

SOLANA Blockchain

This option is more suitable for people with medium amounts— $ 300–400. The beauty of SOL lies in the fact that the coin itself is not worth that much when compared with the same ETH. At the time of writing, the SOL price is 25 times less than the ETH price, the commissions in the networks are also radically different. That’s why this blockchain is suitable for small banks: the price of a coin and the commission can forgive you a mistake, even if you miscalculated with the project, it will not affect you so much. But this does not mean that you can invest in projects without analysis and research (we have an article How To DYOR).

Where should we start?

Definitely need to explain how to find projects, how to understand a project is really good and will be popular. To do this, there is a fairly universal site where you can inspect the upcoming project drops. Why is it so universal?

On the website you can see:
- MINT’s date and time
- Project’s images
- Name
- The amount of NFTs for mint
- The price of a mint and a coin, so you can choose the blockchain you are interested in.
- The official mint site
- Discord, Twitter and other socials & media

And then the most interesting thing begins, you can’t dive into the first project you see. Before you spend your SOL, check all project socials; where the listing will take place; previous project drops, if there were any.

How to check socials

Let’s start with Twitter. Here is a wonderful site for checking the “quality” subscribers of the project. It’s simple, you enter the nickname of the project on Twitter and get statistics on the account.
Discord, you don’t even need resources here, go to the project channel and look through the general chat, language, and a couple more thematic chats. And you will see, firstly, how active / inactive the Discord is; secondly, how many or few bots are in chat rooms, whether they are banned. Probably, you don’t even need to explain how to understand what a bot is writing in the chat.
Roadmap to understand why the project is needed at all and what advantages it can give to minters. ( docs & roadmap)

More research steps in the complete guide: How To DYOR

Okay, now we know how to choose a project. And how to enter it? Where to get SOL, what is the network commission and much more.

  • First of all you should get a wallet. We would recommend you to consider the following wallets— everyone uses them, they are as convenient as possible: Phantom (maybe the most popular and comfortable to use), Solflare, Ledger, MathWallet. Just go on the wallet’s site and follow the instuctions.
  • Do not transfer BUSD/USDT and other coins to your wallet. We advise you to transfer from Binance (or other exchange) to wallet, in this way you are faced with a minimum fee, easy purchase of SOL and the ability to choose which blockchain to send.
  • Now, having a wallet and a project, it remains only to go to the mint website and wait for the drop. The main thing is to be aware of risk and be extremely careful.

We have finished with the basic information you need to know about the Solana blockchain at this stage. Next, we will analyze a lot of information on the Ethereum blockchain.

ETHEREUM Blockchain

You need to understand that this is not a cheap coin and the gas fee for operations in this blockchain is high. Since we have already said the difference in costs above, we need to pay attention to the gas.

It is necessary to analyze the approximate commission before the mint, as this will help to understand whether you agree to buy the project with such a commission. There is a site that displays detailed information about GAS in a particular network. In addition, the commission is also affected by how many people are trying to take the same “NFT” at the same time.

The selecting a project, analyzing it, and so on doesn’t differ from projects on Solana, so nothing new will be said here, you can use the same resources.

There are also several main steps:

  • Audience in social networks. First of all, we go to the Discord and watch the chat. If it consists of “lfg wagmi go grind” — probably the project is a bubble. If there is high-quality communication, discussion of the prospects — probably there are really interested people. Be sure to look at the ratio of online/total users, the number of bots and moderation against primitive bots. Also, a big plus will be finding holders of the BAYC/MAYC.
  • Twitter. Be sure to go to subscribers and see who is subscribed. If there are some profiles that are not related to the crypto — the first redflag. Next, we are looking for a mention of the project on Twitter. If we find the NFT/WL from NFT promoter, the second redflag. The account of such a promoter will consist entirely of paid drawings and giveaways. As a rule, such people have a dead audience, which means that incompetent marketers who cannot invest in organic growth are involved in projects.
  • Partnerships & Collabs. If a partnership with some famous collection is a huge plus. It’s easy.
  • Roadmap. The roadmap of the collection should attract you because you are not buying a JPEG, but the whole hype that the collection has collected. The default Roadmap of the “Mint->revil->merch for holders” type no longer surprises anyone, so long term projects have a good chance they shoot well.
  • JPEGS, site. Evaluate the quality of JPEGS, attention to details. Look at the site, a beautiful site with some interesting things will be a big plus — devs are working hard.
  • Whitelist conditions. White lists that can be obtained for the xx level, and xx invites are worth nothing. Thus, the projects collect abusers who are likely to sell the whitelist/forget about the mint, which will give a bad start to the collection, because the whitelist simply will not be redeemed. Therefore, it’s better looking at whitelists where you need to be useful to the community. Yes, they are difficult to get, but there will be better rewards.

But a different wallet will be used here. Almost everyone knows it, but we’ll still attach a link to the extension in the browser, an app for Iphone and Android. By the way, it is also best to transfer ETH from Binance or other EX, you can choose the Ethereum network there, the gas will be huge in any case.

Listing your NFT

Now that you know what you need to do, where to look and where to read, it’s worth sorting out the option in which you received the NFT. What should you do with it?

  • First of all, need to find out how much your NFT costs. If you did mint on Solana, then this channel will help.

Go to any of the channels with the signature “rank-checker”, write the command !rarity collection [collection name] [image id] (without square brackets). Get a result with an image of our NFT and an assessment of its rarity.

There are 6 levels of rarity:

  • Common
  • Uncommon
  • Rare
  • Epic
  • Legendary
  • Mythic

Listing starts in different ways, and it’s worth knowing in advance which platform it will be on in order to check. (You can check all listings and floor price on — just search for the collection)

Now everything is the same, only about projects on Ethereum, as a rule, developers throw a special link that is needed to view the NFT rarity on their website; discord; twitter, so be sure to follow the socials after mint. And, of course, for the resource on which the listing takes place.

The conclusion of this long text is: work, work and work again!

We do not give financial advice, just a guide on how to do everything correctly. Know your risk and act carefully only if you are confident in yourself.

