Non-Fungible Token Digital Art Like No Other

Gaze All Over
2 min readNov 3, 2021

Non-fungible tokens, or much referred to as NFTs, have incorporated their value and impact to the way how the digital market works today. NFTs are unique and exclusive intangible assets that cannot be traded, substituted, or copied. The introduction of digital arts in the NFT marketplace has opened a variety of opportunities for artists to share their art, sell it on the digital workspace, and earn huge profits as interested buyers secure the right to own the original version of an art which can never be duplicated.

The advent of the 2019 pandemic has also caused a major implication of moving towards the digital world. Hundreds of digital art projects are now being endorsed throughout social media platforms. Today, I am honored to talk about one of the most promising platforms that give utmost importance to the digitalization of art.

Introducing, a decentralized software that utilizes the Ethereum and Polygon Network. This platform is responsible for providing artistic commands to easily customize one’s NFT art in their wallets. extends assistance to its users by generating thousands of art ideas within seconds. Everyone is given a chance to become an NFT artist in their own unique way without breaking a sweat. offers its first worm-inspired design called the MeWorm. Each MeWorm art is unique and is generated with the minter’s name as hash. Users can mint such art for free on the Polygon Network, which is limited only to 8,888 NFTs as of the moment. Every wallet is entitled to claim just one NFT. MeWorm can be viewed by connecting your or Metamask Wallet. Bear in mind though, that is not responsible for maintaining the safety and management of the NFTs within your own private wallets.

You can view the collection of MeWorms here:

Over 4,750 NFTs were minted at the time of this writing. As a general rule, the lesser the supply, the higher the demand will be in the future. It is not too late to have one.

Visit for a more detailed view of the project.

The project is only beginning. More and more digital aesthetics besides MeWorm will surely be introduced to the platform. Different NFT masterpieces will soon be included and generated by people, allowing them to express their artistic desires and wonders. is here to support and promote the world’s movement towards the digital ecosystem.

