Beeble Baby — Department of Vital Records by NFTrimurti

Who in the hell is NFTrimurti and The Department of Vital Records….. I’m an NFT enthusiast just like you. After many years of running a successful technology security integration company in NYC, I retired to put all of my time and effort into buying and selling smart contracts, trading crypto, and being hyper-involved in the growth of our WEB3 communities. As the NFT space merged more into the Digital Art world creating new innovative ways to create and express your artistic talents and not just a collectible of PFP jpgs. I become 100% invested in learning and growing. This new emerging market evolution allowed me to further practice and evolve my true passion for art and collecting.

Starting my journey in 2017 buying every altcoin there was, I slowly merged my portfolio to all Ethereum going full steam into collecting digital collectibles, and began early investing into the amazing NFT space. Crypto Kitties was my first adventure breeding over 4.2k cats in a little over 2 years had ranked me within the top 100 breeders out of over 100k users, this also allowed me to mingle with some of the top creators in our industry's, early days of socializing with Jihoz (Axie infinity) and Evan & Poopie (Doodles) and the excitement that came from watching everyday people build WEB3 Blue Chip empires.

That begin the real journey into any and every project I could get my hands on, collecting from over 120+ projects since 2018. Through the years I've learned so much, with ups and downs of course, but what I've seen without a doubt is the most important element to having a successful project, especially in our current market climate is Community, the strength and bond of a community make all the difference. Having like-minded investors banding together to try to control the project value by sweeping campaigns, strategic floor holds and collective movements makes such a tremendous effect on the overall success of any project.

When I invested in the BEEBLE BLOCKS eco-system it was with proper research and then extreme excitement, such beautiful, intelligently curated masterpieces all in limited volume collections, amazing art with continued utility what more could a degen person ask for? The introduction to BEEBLE WORLD and our amazing BEEBLE BABIES and all of its possibilities still has me in awe. The fact that our art will be living, growing, breeding, and dying with endless utility is everything you want in an NFT project. This is where the sparks started flying, being involved in other community-driven projects I've seen firsthand how much energy, excitement, and unity can come from these community projects, being our jpg image of our babies will evolve and change through its journey what better what to immortalize these different benchmarks then with some fun, creative, community-driven projects. It only makes sense babies need birth certificates, right?!

So I started playing around with some ideas and poof magic was made, with anything you do you never know how it will be received, I’m an avid digital media artist so creating comes easy, unfortunately for me, coding and programming smart contracts are not so easy. With the current fluctuating ETH prices, costly gas prices to deploy contracts as well as the current high costs of a good Dev, I chose to do the first mint via Opensea Contract, with this many lessons were learned — especially not being able to create a claim/unclaimed mechanism, as I wanted these to be extremely custom, meaning making them 1 by 1 manually nothing generative or auto-mated, I felt it gave a more intimate approach to truly making something specific and special to each baby and including the names that were given by the holders to make the AI parameters be specific to each baby all 1/1 no duplicates of art in any way. The issue was they are time-consuming and if an influx of orders came in it would have been overwhelming to produce them all in a timely manner, so I started to create and mint based on current holders, the highest listed, and those delisted until I got to 333 items, then doing the other 222 on the fly to try to control anyone from possibly buying another person baby certificate, call it an honor system amongst community members, my intentions were never to have a “pump” or “quick flip” of your baby certificates, I knew things would be a slow burn and very organically grown and I also I knew I had to build additional value with utility for them in some way to make it community worthy. Ideally, I see these as diamondhanded keepsakes, a collectible flashback to the evolution of our BEEBLE BABIES.

Now that you know a little bit about me and why I felt so strongly about creating this for our community it’s important to also know I’m a true believer in the Law of Attraction, positive attracts positive, and pay-it-forward mentality, giving back to others is what really makes me thrive in this universe. In building this project and thinking about rewarding Certificate holders and added value/utility I knew this growth would be dependent upon the reaction and engagement of the community. Being this is a community-driven project within our BEEBLE BLOCKS eco-system it makes no sense to have a traditional roadmap. What I can say with 100% confidence is that this is just the beginning, there will be future drops, but they will be done 100% on custom contracts, and the Certificates will be your token to all my future Department of Vital Records (DOVR) giveaways and future drops. Exactly what will evolve is yet to be seen but without a doubt, your Certificate + its BEEBLE BABY will have future benefits in everything DOVR.

Sweeping campaigns and Certificate Holder Giveaways -

The intentions of the funds generated are simple, a majority of the profits will go towards strategic sweep campaigns, specifically targeting the lowest-priced items, especially ones that are selling at a loss, there will always be different investors with different intentions, as it should, but that doesn't mean as a community we can’t make a conscience collective effort to remove paperhands and replace them with diamondhands. Swept items being held with a diamonhand mentally, nothing listed or only listed at community agreed upon prices in the future. The rest of the items will be used for giving back to Certificate + Its BEEBLE BABY holders. This will be done exclusively in our BEEBLE WORLD / BEEBLE BLOCKS holder's official discord (Church of Beeble) and exclusively for Certificate holders ONLY. The process is simple each Certificate + its BEEBLE BABY will be your auto-entry to EACH and EVERY giveaway. You don't have to do anything but hold the items in your wallet at the time of giveaways. Giveaway drawing entries will be pulled directly from Opensea Analytics Current Holders (Entry is per item — if you own 10 babies and their certificates that’s 10 entries — both items must be in your wallet at giveaway drawing times). The rest of the percentage will go towards the development of contracts, art curation, and evil gas transactions.

I’m super excited about where our ecosystem of projects will go, our community is building, growing, and is super strong thus far. It is a pleasure to take this journey with each and every one of you. I look forward to interacting with you all in discord and hearing your feedback and input toward things in the future. Sharing energy and excitement in the giveaways and all that is to come!!

Thank you again for all the love and support.





NFTrimurti त्रिमूर्ति NFTrimurti Labs

Digital Media Artist | OG NFT Collector | NFT Project Creator | Crypto/NFT Promoter