Saving Satoshi

6 min readOct 9, 2021


The Safe Path To The Age Of Autonomous, Machine-Based Entities (AI and Synthetic Life)

Lets begin with very simple concepts of Math and Physics (which you may skip if not your thing) , then zoom through the biology of life to conclude with the future of synthetic AI life and Satoshi’s identity rescue scheme .

Mathematics is all about transformation and construction in which the axioms act as the constituting laws. Numbers represents the purest form of logic in which all is recursive to a single term from which all is derived based on a primary function. The term is the number 2 (not 1), and the function is Division (Separation in its literal form) This then creates two equal parts, each is 1, which now constitutes order by creating 1 and another 1 that together constructs the 2 and then another 1 to create 3 and so forth for each successive number all the way to infinity.

Also physics, like math, presents sets of transformations laws, however in physics the transformation is of some ”thing” that is constructing another “thing”. That “some-thing” may be represented by a number, which is in actual the first act of transformation. To describe the “thing” that is being transformed into a number we may use different terms such as particle or energy, I prefer the general term “information”. Physics also introduces the idea of an apparatus, supposedly the region of observation, the technology through which the transformation, which in its purest formation we may think of as “observation”, occurs. Quantum mechanics already made us realize that an observation interferes with the transmission of information, yet it often neglects to realize it as a transformation. In fact there is no such thing as pure transmission. Anything that is being transmitted first interacts with the “observer” through the apparatus of the observation and then as it is constituted in the observer’s universe by being constructed using the observer’s medium expressions.

Transformations are also represented in biology, “life” is the general name we gave this transformation process. (which, from the living observer’s perspective, includes the decay process of death). In life, as we experience it being the living beings that we are, our senses act as the apparatus between the experience and its impression as rendered by our cell’s memory and eventually its expression as it is being processed by our brain. In this case “Impression” may be the best word to describe the experience in its lower level of expression while the term “expression” is reserved to describe the shared properties of the experience. My argument here is that our brain processes and then stores the shared experience of all living tissues that constitute our physical body in sort of a consensus based data processing and storage. In fact we may consider the functions of processing and storing of information as the actual functions resulting in transformation. We may then assert that the difference between a living system and a lifeless system is that the central processing and storage unit of a living system (the brain’s neurons and memory cells) are being controlled by all the parts that feed it with data. If you like, a living system is a decentralized ecosystem of the autonomous parts which compose it.

Now let’s move on to technology. We got Math and Physics by which we constructed the hardware of computers including the processing parts. We also got the software to interact with the machines and the web which enables the connection between us humans using the machines and between the different machines themselves. This network can now process information internally (compute) and distribute it to all its parts (nodes) which then communicate it to the world outside (us humans) . As humans, we also now have a part of our public self as virtual entities that live exclusively on the virtual universe which exists in the computers’ generated network. Such are all our username and digital interactions online. However, unlike our physical self, these digital extensions are not controlled or even owned by us. They all have one or several other physical humans that control them and own them. This centralized ownership in the metaverse of virtual identities is threatening to destroy the prospect of human life in the physical realm as well. Solving this is becoming central to the prospect of our future..

The good news is that it may turn out to be much simpler than we think and in large part have already been achieved before most people even realize the true danger of a metaverse controlled by centralized powers. Thanks to cryptography and the latest technologies which are making use of it, in particular the invention of Satoshi, a consensus generating a decentralized based transaction ledger (data processing and storage), we are well into this journey. By deploying some decentralized configurations for digital identity based on what has already been theorized (and started to be coded), we will soon witness an avalanche transforming life into the synthetic realm of machines.

And thus there was one last block needed to be curved to fit in like the center block in the arch. The block which holds it all in place forming the space within, preventing the structure from collapsing into a pile of rubble. This block is the one that will keep the machines from taking over and is what I have come to realize in full only about two weeks ago.

I don’t expect many or even a few to actually understand the problem, let alone the solution to the extent that it is, but I think most would be able to relate to it based on the movie “The matrix”, expressing the threat of man made machines with AI autonomous capabilities taking over the world. So here it is: Since identities will have to be admitted to the network by the consensus they may also be dismissed by the consensus. This may sounds so very basic and simplistic but is the essence of what should become an elaborate structure of decentralized governing in a decentralized Phygital universe of crypto based generated identities. .

Let’s break it down a bit. Assuming an open source based technology on which decentralized networks of computers are formed (like the bitcoin network) and such a network is running an identity configuration as part of its core code, this then means that each user is first an identity and then an asset holder. These identities, as forming, are attributed with voting power and weight based on a protocol of qualities and quantifiers that is defined approved and changed by the consensus., There are many different optional configurations for that (which we will see emerging in the next coming years), however, as different as they will be, all will have a configuration to admit users into the network , machines and humans alike. Ruled by the consensus, each network of users may admit a new user into the network according to a protocol that is governed by the network’s users. Each individual may choose to join any of the existing networks while networks may fork once even a single individual will choose to fork out and run a protocol with some changes put into it. Yet even if forked to a new network, this individual identity history and assets will still exist on that parent network and in fact will carry on to the forked version. However, a network of users will be able to protect itself by enabling the function of dismissing a user. The dismissing function itself is based on the admitting protocol in which each of the user’s keypair are derived from a root only he/she controls. however the public key of all the users sub identities are public. If the user becomes harmful to the network, these public keys can be dismissed, disabling the transaction and the private key to function in the network. The admitting process can enforce certain rules such as different proof of physical identifier by attestation provider and an identity management layer which allow the network to track down the root identity of each sub-identity. all at different levels of This scheme, if executed exclusively by humans at the identity management level of the key distribution (the second layer of the key hierarchy, as drafted by MDIP identity protocol for example) will prevent machines from taking over the system.

So what does that have to do with Satoshi? In fact very little other than the simple realization that the consensus can invent a Satoshi identity and attribute all of the Patoshi addresses to a Satoshi’s identity. Then the consensus can describe and agree to deny any transactions that pose an apparent risk and which can destabilize the bitcoin ecosystem. The consensus can define rules by which any of the funds in the Patoshi addresses can ever be spent, if at all. This almost redundant function of acknowledging Patoshi addresses as Satoshi’s asset by defining Patoshi as Satoshi will establish the genesis wallet as Satoshi’s virtual identity. This virtual being then gives an actual meaning to “we are all Satoshi , and thus free the creator of Satoshi, the person or group that started Bitcoin to walk away free from the risk their fortune holds, yet safe to claim the fame and appreciation for their huge contribution to humanity.




NILIcoins was initiated as art project announced on Bitcoin Forum. The crypto tokens (NFT) were minted as art on Counterparty Sept. 2014.