Decentralized Autonomous Corporation
When one thinks of a corporation or company, it must be said that it’s a group of people, all focused on a mutual goal or activity, working together to complete the task at hand. When we put corporations in power over society with forms of dependency, monopoly or feudalism then the corporation has lost its actual power.
The first corporation created as a multinational company was the Dutch East India Company also called the Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC). This established the first power structure on earth that could hold sovereignty in national and international laws by acting as a quasi nation state. This gave the company the ability to wage war, imprison and execute convicts, negotiate treaties, strike it’s own coins, and establish colonies. This model is what gives corporations so much confidence in today’s world to dictate to the nations, laws and citizens.
With the creation of Bitcoin, BitSwitch and other smart contract systems all of the positions within any kind of corporation will soon be fully automated. This will be done using the Blockchain, Smart Contracts and Artificial Intelligence. The functions of a executive like a CEO, CFO, CSO, CISO, votes of Board Of Directors, Shareholders, paper pushers, data pushers and empty chair leaders all will now be logged into the Blockchain, responded to by microcontrollers and will operate on cryptocurrency back ends moving value from one autonomous agent to another.
Back in 2012 at Bitcoin Kinetics Inc, the world’s first attempt at a legal corporation becoming a Decentralized Autonomous Corporation via the Blockchain. Me and my team built the company to operate on Bitcoin value, Counterparty tokens acted as shares in the company and allowed majority share holders access to the door locks at the company facility.
This showed that a company and it’s property can be managed by a group of people in a collective ownership of the business. This will takes steps to become reality and Bitcoin Kinetics set out the basic building blocks in 2012 with the smart contract template (BitSwitch), the Decentralized Autonomous Corporation (Kinetics) and the Decentralized Autonomous Government (BitCongress).
This is the process of bringing to light the world’s points of corruption, like the sun sanitizing all things in the dark. First is the corrupt agent or entities like CEO or CFO, that now becomes a Smart Contract. Then the next point of corruption is the Corporation itself, that becomes a DAC and is fully run by Smart Contracts. Then the Government becomes a fully automated DAG run by the citizens right from their phones.
A collective consensus votes on laws and rules that are then encoded into the smart contracts and DACs that feed, transport, shelter and entertain humanity. This world can be fixed over night, we all know that, it just takes the fear of ones job or life to mess up the entire Tomorrowland vision.
I created a lot of these ideas at Bitcoin Kinetics as a mad scientist planning on feeding people in the future with vending machines and fighting Terminator with token based digital bullets, the roots of these technologies come from that nightmare, not from greed, money or profit potentials. I created BitCongress as the first DAO, but found that Ethereum was becoming compromised by Goldman Sachs, so I abandoned my DAO work with Ethereum.
Slockit attempted to build the system I proposed on their own without me and did so by mutilation of my concepts and failed in the most spectacular public fashion. The true potential of a DAO is still possible, but must be based on Assembly Language and machine to machine interactions that do not depend on a cloud, JavaScript or any centralized entity.
Running the concepts back and forth have shown me many methods that will fail at one point when scaled up to see the masses voting, messaging and controlling the machines of the world with touches and words from their mobile devices. We are in a power struggle on earth, but not between men and men, men and women or groups of humans over the larger groups of humans, we are in a power struggle between machines and nature. If the nature we all evolved with is somehow not aligned with the nature of machines, software and logic then we are doomed to become the cattle of Google general purpose artificial intelligence.
My solution for protection of human sovereignty, dominance and relevance includes the Bitcoin operated intelligent entity, the Bitcoin operated smart contract inside corporations and the Bitcoin based legal system of the future that will collectively modify the world’s laws and the machines rules, all at the hands of the masses.
This decentralized world is coming, it must be carved out of stone, metal and the peoples choices, not out of sand and glass inside a Microsoft cloud. The world is said to be run by corporations and groups of men, when it can be run by everyone right from their phone thanks to the Blockchain and Bitcoin.
When pondering the idea of control, management and the simple statement of who is in charge here, I find that apathy is the most dangerous enemy of progress. Why would anyone think that there is some group of people running the planet? The idea of kings, pirates, plundering tyrants or illuminati mason’s hiding in lodges is becoming a cancer upon the young millennials minds.
I say this to everyone, control is an illusion. Just because someone says that there are people trying to control your world, doesn’t make them good at it. Why think anyone but you is in control, to think that is a looser philosophy. The philosophy I follow now, I think me and my friends run the world, that’s the winners philosophy and I will only ever sell or speak of a winning philosophy to the world.