Things you need to have on campus at UF

New Scooters 4 Less
3 min readSep 19, 2017

By Joanna Tronina

1. Headphones

The worst thing that can happen when studying at West is to completely lose focus. Keep out the chatter that’s happening in the library and get in the zone with one of the most important things you’ll carry at your years at UF. (plus you can jam to Despacito while doing calc problems)

2. Jacket/Sweater

We all welcome the amazing feeling of A/C whenever we walk into a UF library, but after a little while it can start to feel like the Antarctic. Make sure to always have this essential on you so the rest of the people there don’t have to hear your teeth chattering

3. Rain-jacket or Umbrella (honestly you need both, throw in a pair of rain-boots too)

They don’t call it Rainsville for nothin’ folks! Crazy rain showers out of nowhere are an almost daily occurrence at UF. Avoid looking like wet laundry and keep your notes from getting soggy by keeping these on you AT ALL TIMES. Trust me, they day you accidentally forget them at home will be the day it starts raining when you have to walk all the way across campus.

4. Eno Hammock

The perfect thing to have on a day where you are exhausted from staying up till 4 a.m. cramming for your bio exam is the surprisingly comfortable eno hammock. These babies let you hang anywhere with tree trunks and take a little snooze before your next class.

5. Phone Charger

Stop stealing your friend’s charger and make sure you carry one with you every day. Scrolling through Instagram and watching all your friends snapchat stories during class can drain a battery real quick. Keep it ready to go all day and plug it in while you’re putting in those study hours at Marston.

6. Water bottle

OH MY GOD is the feeling you get once you take a sip from your water bottle after you’ve sweat out all the water in your body just walking through that famous Gainesville heat. The great thing is after you run out, UF has plenty of water fountains specifically made for water bottles so you won’t have to do that awkward tilt thing with regular water fountains.



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