Why the Alligator is Actually Your Spirit Animal

New Scooters 4 Less
3 min readJul 28, 2015

by Shannon Smith

On top of being one of the most prestigious universities in the country (the “Ivy League of the South,” if you will), UF boasts 35 National Titles across all sports. It’s GREAT to be a Florida Gator.

A Florida Gator. The mascot certainly seems appropriate, with the American Alligator being the official state reptile of Florida. But our beloved Albert and Alberta are much more than just “appropriate.” The Alligator is the spirit of animal of every UF student — past, present and future. Here’s why.

They do NOT like the winter.

An alligator outside of his gator hole in Big Cypress National Preserve.

According to the National Zoo, alligators go into a state of dormancy during cold months. They dig what scientists call “gator holes” on the sides of water ways to hide from the cold.

The NS4L team road tripped to Nashville, Tennessee in 2014 for the Florida/Vanderbilt football game.

In Florida, we’re used to two seasons: more hot & less hot. When we get unusually cold winters (which we’ve seen the last couple of years), we all want to hide in our gator holes.

They are territorial.

Typically, the biggest alligators in an area get very defensive of their prime territory.

So territorial, in fact, that they would absolutely refuse to ever allow small, defenseless creatures into their swamp. Sound familiar?

They are capable of bursts of unmatchable speed.

Although alligators have heavy bodies and slow metabolisms, they are capable of short bursts of speed that can exceed 30 miles per hour.

Jeff Demps (pictured right) has won 5 individual National Championships in the 60-meters (three times), 100-meters and 4x100 relay with the Florida Gators, and is an Olympic Silver Medalist in track.

The Florida Gators have 83 Individual National Championships in men’s and women’s track & field, with 6 National Championship Teams.

They are the apex predator of the region.

An apex predator is the species at the top of the food chain in a given region. Alligators are opportunistic feeders and will eat anything they can catch.

They have been known to attack and eat dogs, birds, hogs and even black bears…

If you’re not a Gator, you’re Gator bait.

Shannon Smith graduated from the University of Florida in 2013 and is now the full-time social media manager for NS4L.



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