Empowering the Gig Economy: How Navigate’s Data Sharing and Rewards Platform Transforms Opportunities for Uber and Lyft Drivers

4 min readSep 15, 2023


Today’s Gig economy offers plenty of opportunities for individuals to earn extra earnings on their own time and schedule. However, rideshare drivers can lose a significant portion of their earnings, approximately 25%, to rideshare platforms, and that’s not even considering fuel and routine maintenance costs.

Navigate Maps provides a new way for drivers to gain rewards while they work, allowing users to boost earnings as they drive. By contributing imagery during their regular routes, drivers can mitigate these losses by earning rewards with Navigate. Navigate rewards can then be used within the Navigate Marketplace to redeem popular gift cards, providing a way to get more out of each drive.

The Gig Economy and Ride-Sharing Services

Uber and Lyft, founded around the same time period, have revolutionized transportation through 24/7 point-to-point services and democratized income opportunities for drivers. Beyond ridesharing, they’ve diversified into food delivery, package distribution, and memberships. In 2022, Lyft’s revenue grew 27.8% to $4 billion, while Uber’s revenue surged 82% to $31 billion.

However, alongside their impressive growth, there are critical considerations to acknowledge. While ridesharing gigs can oftentimes serve as a driver’s primary source of income, drivers are typically responsible for their own insurance, repairs, and general vehicle. When you add inflation on top of that, ride sharing services often fail to offer drivers sufficient earnings to sustain themselves and maintain their vehicles. In fact, Uber highlights their drivers’ improved earnings from $23.50 to $33.30 per hour, a statistic from four years ago, yet fails to mention the threefold increase in inflation during the same period.

Navigate provides an opportunity for rideshare drivers to boost their earnings for each ride.

The Benefits of Navigate for Uber and Lyft Drivers

Unlike certain large corporations that capture user data without compensating the individual, Navigate Maps takes a different approach. Navigate Maps encourages users to capture and upload street-level imagery using their smartphones and dashboard cameras, and rewards them for the footage they collect while driving. When users choose to contribute data to Navigate, they are rewarded with NVG8 tokens, which can be used to redeem gift cards from hundreds of popular brands in the Navigate Marketplace.

To begin with Navigate Maps, the process is straightforward: configure your smartphone or dashcam, and effortlessly capture images of your surroundings while navigating the streets.

Given that Uber and Lyft drivers rely on their cars, they tend to have dashcams already set up. For these drivers, uploading to Navigate Maps and receiving rewards is as simple as switching the dashcam on and driving. At the end of the day when a driver is done with their rides, they can upload the images they captured on their dashcam to Navigate Maps which will reward the driver for all the images that meet the quality standards.To review our street-view standards visit this page.

The beauty of Navigate Maps is that there is no need to purchase any additional equipment in order to start earning. By offering drivers an extra avenue to gain rewards, Navigate Maps wants to inspire individuals worldwide to contribute and be compensated for their efforts in helping build new and meaningful applications, like Navigate Maps.

Why Contributing to Navigate Matters to Rideshare Drivers

Navigate Maps aims to create an interactive digital map that provides new and unique insights about the world. Unlike Google or Apple Maps, which are often out of date and missing critical data, this opportunity allows people across the globe to access up-to-date images of their surroundings which can be used for a variety of use cases.

As Navigate Maps evolves, our goal is to become a dependable and versatile tool accessible to all, powered by crowdsourced contributions from our community. And with each upload, the map gets smarter. You may think the imagery you capture is not significant, but when combined with data from everyone else around the world, every contribution becomes an essential piece of the puzzle. Every journey you take becomes an opportunity for others to discover new insights about the world and make smarter decisions.

How to Get Started

Navigate Maps helps gig economy workers like Uber and Lyft drivers earn rewards while they drive. To learn more and get started with earning, check out our Navigate Maps Documentation and the resources below. You can also stay up to date on the project by following us on Discord, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.




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