What is GIS? Mapping is More Than What Meets the Eye

2 min readJan 18, 2024


GIS, or Geographic Information System, merges data analysis and geography to unlock insights about a location. It is a digital warehouse, gathering information from weather, traffic, and history’s forgotten corners. By crunching these massive datasets, GIS reveals hidden patterns and trends, shedding light on complex issues like climate change or disease outbreaks. It transforms data into clear maps and interactive displays, making even the most intricate information comprehensible. From tracking a butterfly’s migration to planning a city’s future, GIS allows us to see the world in a new light.

How GIS is used in Navigate Maps

Integrating GIS technology, Navigate Maps hopes to go beyond the basic functionality of traditional maps. Contributor data that is collected and analyzed has many possibilities to positivity impact industries that rely on GIS data. For example, collected data can provide the real estate industry with insight into the housing market, provide insurance companies with accurate environmental data, assist the utility sector with information on future potential hazards, and more.

GIS technology is everywhere and plays a vital role in our daily lives — whether we see it or not. It has assisted various industries, ensuring people do their jobs more efficiently and effectively. With Navigate, we want to build upon this revolutionary technology and help use mapping to predict change, understand patterns in our environment, and better support future industry growth.

Imagine a map that’s not just a static picture but a living reflection of our planet. That’s the vision behind the Navigate Maps app — transforming how we experience and understand the world around us.

Our Mission

Navigate Maps prioritizes both cutting-edge data and community engagement. We constantly integrate fresh information by crowdsourcing map imagery from contributors, giving an up-to-date view of a location while rewarding the real people who fuel the platform through their contributions. Every mapped image earns contributors recognition and rewards, ensuring a mutually beneficial ecosystem of accurate data and empowered individuals.

Navigate Maps aims to be more than just a navigation tool. We’re harnessing the power of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to create a truly immersive application that can be used to help the next generation of industry development.




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