Published inHackerNoon.com20+ Top podcasts for startup founders & entrepreneursRecently I asked a startup group on Facebook what they were listening to in the way of podcasts. I’m keen to use my time on the train in a…Jan 23, 20174Jan 23, 20174
Top 3 complaints I hear about Applicant Tracking SystemsI spend a lot of time each day talking to HR and Recruitment folk (and generally anyone in charge of hiring for a business). Inevitably, at…Mar 2, 2016Mar 2, 2016
Published inDon't Panic, Just HireTop tips for avoiding post xmas recruiting rushMost companies put recruitment on hold over christmas, thinking nobody is looking anyway so we may as well wait till January (or Feb in…Nov 19, 2015Nov 19, 2015
3 things I’ve learnt from my first year selling SaaSA bit of background for you: I’ve gone from 10+ years as an IT recruiter, to cofounding a SaaS platform for helping…Nov 8, 2015Nov 8, 2015
Published inDon't Panic, Just HireRetail recruitment: Waging war on over the counter CV-dropsLast week I was talking to a potential new Weirdly customer (who also awesomely happens to be one of the best burger joints in town). After…Oct 29, 2015Oct 29, 2015
Published inDon't Panic, Just HireJust add jazz-hands: 5 ways to improve your candidate experienceFor all this chatter about clever graduate campaigns and feel good stories of people finding work holding cardboard signs, this is anything…Oct 18, 2015Oct 18, 2015
Published inDon't Panic, Just HireMy top three “Start-up” recruiting failsWe’re Hiring …wait what was that tweet I saw about a jobOct 13, 2015Oct 13, 2015