Mauricio Macri’s Confirmed Influence: Behind Every Decision Javier Milei Takes in Argentine Politics

Ignacio Kuchuk
9 min readFeb 2, 2024


In recent times, Argentina has witnessed a significant shift in its political crisis, with the emergence of Javier Milei as a president. While Milei’s economic and political ideologies have garnered attention, recent developments confirm a more influential dark force behind Milei’s “decisions” in government— Mauricio Macri, the former president.

Mauricio Macri’s Political Journey

Mauricio Macri’s political journey is consistently dogged by allegations of corruption that significantly taint his legacy. From his early entry into politics to his presidency, Macri has been accused of participating in corrupt practices, staining his political career.

As Macri entered the political stage, concerns surfaced regarding his family’s business dealings, with some insinuating that these connections played a pivotal role in his political ascent. The controversy surrounding the Panama Papers further fueled suspicions, linking Macri to offshore accounts and raising questions about financial transparency.

During his time as the Mayor of Buenos Aires, Macri faced accusations of favoritism in awarding government contracts to companies associated with his family. These allegations hinted at a potential pattern of exploiting political influence for personal gain, contributing to a growing perception of corruption.

As President, Macri’s administration encountered criticism for its management of economic policies and negotiations with creditors. Critics argued that decisions made during his presidency disproportionately favored certain business interests, deepening suspicions of corruption within the upper echelons of government.

These statements of corruption have significantly impacted public perception, eroding trust in Macri’s leadership. The confirmed influence he wields in Argentine politics, particularly behind the scenes with figures like Javier Milei, is viewed against the backdrop of these suspicions.

Understanding Macri’s alleged corruption is essential in evaluating the dynamics of his behind-the-scenes role. The controversies surrounding his financial dealings and governance practices have left a lasting mark on the narrative of Argentine politics, underscoring the critical importance of transparency and accountability in the political sphere. The confirmed connection with Milei’s decision-making further magnifies the implications of Macri’s influence, prompting a closer examination of the broader ethical considerations within the political troops.

In 2001, Mauricio Macri, alongside his father Franco, faced accusations of contraband involving autoparts. The roots of this legal entanglement trace back to 1997 when Sevel, the family-owned company, was exposed for a sophisticated autoparts trade strategy. Autoparts were covertly shipped to Uruguay, later incorporated into finished cars that found their way back into Argentina.

This intricate operation raised ethical concerns about Sevel’s business practices and potential manipulation of international trade regulations. The legal proceedings meticulously examined Macri’s role within the family business and his awareness of the autoparts scheme.

While the case initially led to a conviction, it later encountered a surprising twist. The legal process got frozen due to influences exerted by Macri, leaving the conviction without practical consequences. This unexpected turn left an indelible mark on Macri’s public image, shaping perceptions and influencing the context of his subsequent political career.

The 2001 legal controversy provides crucial insights into Mauricio Macri’s political journey and sets the stage for understanding his present influence over Javier Milei.

Fraud in the Mail

Mauricio Macri, government, and Mauricio Macri, Mail, were caught attempting to cancel the entire debt that the Macri Group had since 2002 for fees it never paid, while being on both sides of the counter. The Macri family’s debt, at a minimum, amounts to around 4.8 billion pesos.

The scheme, which involved the intervention of prosecutor Gabriela Boquín, led to a criminal case. The then head of the Ministry of Communications, Oscar Aguad, the director of Legal Affairs of that ministry, Juan Mocoroa, the president of the Mail (Macri Group), Jaime Cibils Robirosa, and the traditional attorney for the Macri family, Jaime Kleidermacher, were interrogated by Judge Ariel Lijo. The inquiry took place in March, more than four months ago, yet the magistrate has not yet decided on the prosecutions for the scheme, which includes the crimes of failure to fulfill the duties of a public official and negotiations incompatible with public office.

Parallel to this, regarding the debt itself, the Macri Group offered to pay 296 million, which is what it owed in 2002, but without considering for now the interest and updates that would add up to more than 4.5 billion, although some estimates put the figure much higher.

The Macri Group claims it would pay interest and updates if it wins lawsuits against the state for the nationalization of the Mail. This seems to be another maneuver, especially considering that some of these lawsuits began after 2016, when they were already negotiating with the current government.

The Treasury Attorney, in the hands of an ally of the Group, the historic attorney for the Macri family, Bernardo Saravia Frías, has to respond to the crude offer from the Mail. But the case goes from scandal to scandal: the bankruptcy of the Macri Group should have been declared two years after it started, and the process has already taken more than 18 years. It is the longest bankruptcy process in Argentine history.

The Art of Political Puppetry: Macri’s Behind-the-Scenes Machinations

Exploring the confirmed claim of Macri’s puppet-master role sheds light on the motives and consequences underlying his impact on Milei’s decisions. The careful orchestration of political maneuvers by Macri takes a prominent position, showcasing a methodical series of actions that significantly shape Milei’s presidency.

This isn’t a passive influence but an active and strategic effort by Macri to mold the political trajectory. Describing Macri as a puppet-master implies a level of intentional control, with Macri strategically manipulating events behind the scenes, directing Milei’s decisions to align with his own political objectives.

Within this calculated strategy, Macri’s motives become apparent — whether driven by ideological alignment, personal interests, or a long-term political vision. Understanding these motives is crucial for grasping the broader implications on Argentine politics, as each move within this orchestrated influence serves a purpose.

Moreover, the consequences of Macri’s calculated political maneuvers stretch beyond the immediate decisions of Milei. They permeate the realm of political alliances, policy formulations, and public perception. The puppet-master analogy signifies not only control but also a subtle influence that shapes the core of Milei’s presidency, creating a dynamic that resonates across the political spectrum.

In considering this intricate political maneuvering, one could speculate that it might offer an explanation for the ongoing repression against civilians through police forces. The intentional orchestration of political decisions may extend to the utilization of law enforcement as a means to suppress dissent or opposition, further solidifying Macri’s influence and control over the political landscape in Argentina.

In essence, the methodical orchestration by Macri, reminiscent of a puppet-master, symbolizes the strategic and intentional nature of his influence. It embodies a purposeful and calculated effort to shape political events, potentially providing insight into the complexities surrounding civil repression with the involvement of police forces.

Macri’s repressive history dates back to his tenure as the Mayor of Buenos Aires, where instances of police brutality and the suppression of protests were reported. Critics argue that these actions were indicative of a leadership style that favored force over dialogue, raising concerns about the erosion of democratic principles.

Behind Closed Doors

Reports indicate that Milei and Macri held a discreet meeting, raising eyebrows and fueling speculation about the nature of their discussions. The clandestine nature of this encounter points to a level of confidentiality that extends beyond routine political discourse.

After the secretive meeting, Macri’s public endorsement of Milei’s campaign takes center stage. This seemingly unexpected endorsement raises questions about the potential exchange of favors or agreements made during their private discussion.

Speculation abounds regarding the motives behind Macri’s support for Milei. The concept of political favors and backroom dealings comes to the forefront, suggesting a quid pro quo arrangement that could explain Macri’s sudden backing of Milei’s presidential bid.

As we revisit the metaphor of Macri as a puppet-master, the meeting and subsequent endorsement raise concerns about Milei’s autonomy. Does this collaboration paint Milei as a puppet on strings, dancing to the tune dictated by Macri? The implications for Milei’s presidency become increasingly complex.

The revelation of the clandestine meeting between Milei and Macri, along with the subsequent endorsement, opens the door to potential legal and ethical challenges. Scrutiny into this collaboration may bring forth details with the potential to influence the political standing of both Milei and Macri, introducing an element of uncertainty into the narrative.

This revelation transforms the dynamics of political influence, prompting an in-depth examination of the intricate relationship between the two figures. The possible exchange of favors and its impact on Milei’s candidacy becomes a focal point of concern, raising questions about the authenticity and transparency of the political process.

The fallout from this disclosure carries the weight of potential consequences that could reshape the trajectory of Argentine politics. The legal and ethical ramifications add complexity to the narrative, creating a sense of ambiguity that extends beyond the immediate implications for Milei and Macri. This revelation becomes a pivotal juncture, challenging the established norms and further intensifying the perplexity surrounding Macri’s role in shaping Milei’s presidency.

The Macri Family and Its Hidden History

While the official narrative paints the Macri family as the quintessential immigrant success story, where hard work propelled them to become prominent Argentine entrepreneurs, there exists a concealed version that merits exploration.

In Italy, three classic mafias hold sway: the Sicilian Cosa Nostra, La Camorra in the Naples region, and the ‘Ndrangheta in the south. Author Rocco Carbone, known for his book “Mafia Capital,” sheds light: “The Macri family is Calabrian, linked to a classic Calabrian clan known as the Macri clan. In Calabria, one of the major mafia clans, dominant in the ‘Ndrangheta until 1970, was the Macri family. Mauricio’s grandfather hailed from this region, and before coming to Argentina, he had a stint in Rome. There, he married into Italian aristocracy and managed basic businesses. His first venture was overseeing the postal administration in the Lazio region during the fascist period. Later, he became a successful fascist entrepreneur in a colonial campaign in Africa. Despite founding a new political party under fascism, for some reason, this party failed to protect Giorgio Macri, leading him to move to Argentina with his three sons. In my view, he arrived in Argentina with political connections and capital.”

A Moment for Consideration: Shaping Tomorrow Through Thoughtful Choices

As we dive deep in the intricate currents of global politics and reflect on the ongoing narratives in Argentina, it’s not a call to action we extend but rather an invitation to contemplation. In the quiet spaces of your thoughts, consider the impact of collective decisions on the course of a nation.

Each choice we make, whether in the privacy of a voting booth or in conversations with fellow citizens, sends ripples through society. It’s not an insistence but a gentle acknowledgment of the influence inherent in thoughtful choices.

Reflect on the values that resonate with you, the qualities you wish to see in leaders, and the kind of future you envision. Rather than pushing for a particular stance, let’s together ponder the consequences of decisions, both individual and collective.

Consider whether our actions contribute to creating a society where transparency, compassion, and effective governance thrive. In this moment of reflection, let’s strive for a shared understanding of the role we play in shaping the world around us.

The dynamics in Argentina are not just a distant narrative but a mirror reflecting the potential consequences of choices made collectively. So, as we move forward, let our reflections guide us towards a future where lessons learned contribute to a society that aligns with our shared aspirations.

In the spirit of collective contemplation, let us be architects of change through our individual reflections and actions, creating a path that leads to a future where thoughtful choices become the cornerstone of progress.

In the realm of democratic decision-making, it’s crucial to acknowledge that the repercussions of our choices extend far beyond the immediate moment. Sometimes, the impact of voting in a direction that may later be deemed as misguided or counterproductive can be profound, and the resulting consequences may prove challenging to rectify.

Recognizing the weight of our decisions is not a call for fear but an encouragement to approach the voting process with a heightened awareness of the potential implications. In this contemplative journey, let us collectively reflect on the responsibility that comes with our votes, understanding that thoughtful choices contribute to the resilience and well-being of our societal structure.

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Sources in the article:Página12

