(229): I Went Years Without Doing Jigsaw Puzzles and Now I’ve Forgotten How!

Betta Tryptophan
3 min readJun 16, 2017


Jig Time picture puzzle from 1933. It’s called “House in the Woods,” so that’s a clue I suppose. As you can see, it doesn’t look like a house…or woods. There are some geese though, or parts of ‘em.

For the last few days, I’ve casually been trying to put together an ancient jigsaw puzzle, and I think that perhaps all the pieces aren’t there. (Or perhaps all the pieces aren’t in here →points to own head). I don’t even have the perimeter put together yet.

In my own defense, there are some things wrong with this puzzle, or more likely puzzles made in 1933 were just cut differently than they are today. Well, I know they were cut differently, because there’s one piece shaped just like a profile of a person’s head. No, really!

See the left facing profile of a guy with a big nose; how many puzzles do you know that have a piece like that?

What’s more, many of the internal puzzle pieces are not interlocking; they have wavy or flat sides, so it has been extremely difficult to determine which pieces are edge pieces.

And the last confounding factor is that that there is no picture of the picture — you know, what it should look like when it is done. I’ve managed to get most of the edge pieces figured out and some of the internal pieces, but I fear that there must be pieces missing and my labors have all been for naught.

And yes, I searched for the puzzle online, and I found one instance of it — unassembled, with no picture of how it should look when done. I never realized just how good I had it growing up; you know, the picture on the front of the box, regular interlocking puzzle pieces that don’t come apart if you accidentally shake the table. Maybe it isn’t me; maybe it’s the puzzle. I suspect it’s both though. I’m waaay out of practice.

If I get it done (and it’s complete), I’ll post the picture, because someone else out there might have the unassembled version and need to see a picture of how it looks assembled. Or, on second thought, maybe they should suffer, just like I’m doing! (kidding! If I were really suffering, I’d pour the pieces back into the box and give it up). I have given it up for tonight though, ‘nighty night y’all!

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Betta Tryptophan

Blue-haired middle-aged lady with a tendency to say socially and politically incorrect things and to make inappropriate jokes. Awkward and (sort of) proud of it