(233): Dream of Warring Ants, a Sonnet

Betta Tryptophan
2 min readJun 20, 2017


Image (cropped) by gailhampshire via Flickr. License.

Go easy on me, folks — this is my first sonnet.

I looked out on the great expanse ahead,

And saw the nascent mounts like little tents;

The ants have built their force while I in bed

Did lie, dreaming and replaying events

And wishes that I’ve nurtured in my breast.

Their hills lay silent in potential spread

Of strength in numbers marching east to west —

In faceless chitin warriors’ formic threads.

So wake I at the hour they go to sleep

To chart their positions and strength, their might,

Their peace they hide under the ground to keep

Until the long day fades again to night.

In twilight’s gloom the stench becomes so dire,

Til matches strike to light those ants on fire!

Note: I wouldn’t really pour fuel on ant mounds and light them on fire, but I thought it made a striking image so I used it.

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Betta Tryptophan

Blue-haired middle-aged lady with a tendency to say socially and politically incorrect things and to make inappropriate jokes. Awkward and (sort of) proud of it