(34): Hothouse Flowers in November

Betta Tryptophan
2 min readDec 2, 2016


Ain’t she a beauty? And there are two more flowers coming on! Photo: Me

I have a potted trumpet flower plant. And by “potted,” I mean a BIG pot. Every Fall I bring it inside and put it in the bathroom. This year, owing to the presence of the coffee table in the bathroom, I had to put the trumpet flower plant in the kitchen, where there is an always-on fluorescent light. It isn’t particularly bright, but it serves as a nightlight for the entire open floor plan main living area of the small cabin that serves as an overstuffed house where I, my husband and my dog Kamikaze live. The presence of this nightlight seems to have had an effect on the old trumpet flower plant. It has one bloom in full flower, and two more in the first stages. Almost all the leaves have fallen off as of this afternoon (the above photo was taken yesterday), so it seems to be focusing all its attention on helping those flowers open up!

In another part of the house is a more pitiful sight. A cayenne pepper had just popped up out of its seed when I had to bring it inside and put it in the bathroom. I had tried it next to the trumpet plant, but it was getting pale. So I moved it to the bathroom, where it continued to be pale. The arrangement you see to the left is the latest attempt to help it make something of itself. Notice you can barely see the plant. I’m not sure this will work out; for one thing, the pot is heavy and every time we want to use the facilities, we’ll have to move it. We might move the lamp, but there is only one outlet in the bathroom, and to move the lamp means creating yet another hazard to trip over (we’re rich in those). Anyway, here’s a closeup of the poor little fellow below.

Still not very impressive.

By the way, the coffee table is no longer in the bathtub. It is standing on its end right next to it. Can you feel the facepalm?



Betta Tryptophan

Blue-haired middle-aged lady with a tendency to say socially and politically incorrect things and to make inappropriate jokes. Awkward and (sort of) proud of it