Burning Up the Road (and the Car)

Betta Tryptophan
2 min readFeb 13, 2018


Can you tell what kind of car or even what color of car this used to be?

We’re back to essentially being the one-car family. Somehow, last week, when my husband was driving home from work, he blew a tire in his car, veered into a ditch, spun the tires to try to get out of the ditch, aaaannnddd….the tire smoldered (unbeknownst to him), and then the whole car went up in flames, a total loss.

The towing service placed the car in a clear gravel lot with no other cars nearby. You know why? It was still smoldering when they took it away!
Some of that was schoolbooks, most of it was car.

So now I’m burning up the road between home and his work, trying to get all my stuff done here, kind of failing. I don’t think I sat down for more than two minutes today (not counting driving back and forth). I am sooooo tired. But I felt like writing this short little marker here and showing some scary photos of what can happen if you spin your tires too much when one of them happens to have some traction.

P.S. So glad not to have been inside this mess at the time. I guess that’s the end of THAT!

Now I’m gonna zone out and fall asleep, hopefully. Perhaps to more pretty fractal images or interesting tiny homes, or even old postcards from the 1900s. Anything but reality! ‘Night y’all!



Betta Tryptophan

Blue-haired middle-aged lady with a tendency to say socially and politically incorrect things and to make inappropriate jokes. Awkward and (sort of) proud of it