Betta Tryptophan
1 min readAug 29, 2017


Wow! You’ve got a tiger under your porch! I thought I had a lot of wildlife in my yard, but I ain’t got an ermine weasel! Incidentally, we have a whole family of groundhogs living under our shed currently. I think the armadillos moved out earlier in the summer. I imagine there’s some sort of a critter holiday home rental agency out there somewhere! Interestingly, the one time I remember seeing a walking stick on one the sides of our house, it was also against a white background. Maybe we can’t see them in other places and they’re really everywhere!



Betta Tryptophan

Blue-haired middle-aged lady with a tendency to say socially and politically incorrect things and to make inappropriate jokes. Awkward and (sort of) proud of it