Good design vs Bad design

Maleeha Naipaul
4 min readMar 11, 2016


I read somewhere that good designs are hard to spot. At the time I did not understand what that meant. When I was given an assignment to spot good vs bad designs. I had a whole list of bad designs but could not think of what I considered to be a good design.

This is maybe because when something is designed well we dont think twice about it, we just use it. When something is poorly made we start getting frustrated, we tend to remmeber being annoyed. I think that is our human design.

I have been looking for apartments for the last two months. I have been going through different websites but with out realizing I automatically started using only one website.

Streeteasy vs Trulia

This is the opening page of the website.It looks clean organized. It is well planned. As I open the site I can put in my information and get to work. Less time wasted looking around for where I can put in my specification. Whatever property I choose if gives me all the information on a single tab. All i have to do is scrool up and down.

This is the opening page for trulia. It just gives me the option to search the neioughbourhood that I am interested in.

From there another window will open with list of properties from there i can navigate to put my specifications in

The mortgage calculator is clearly visible. you dont have to open any other tab. As you scroll down all the information about the proprty is all there. From when was it last sold,how much was it sold for to what school district it is in. Everything is clearly laid out.

As you can see this is pretty standard. You have go open another window to start you calculations. If you dont know this you would think they dont have that option or you would move on the the next property.

Another good example of good vs bad design is the New York subway system.It can be very confussing for a new comer or a tourist. There are never enough maps and even if they are. They are placed very badly.

New york subway vs London underground

This is what New york subway platform look like. The only information about the train is on the black boards above. It doesnt tell you what will be the next stop.For somebody new to this it can be very confusing If you go looking for a map, most probably you will have to leave the platform.

London Underground.Before getting on to any platform you see a board like this. It tell you what line you are about to take. It tells you where you are. What will be the next stop.

It also tells you what other lines you can take from other stops. Much more efficient system than the New York subway. In other words a good design.

My last example of a good design vs bad design is about traveling neck pillows.

Over the years I have bought several traveling neck pillows. Some are too thin, too wide, not wide enough etc. Until one day by chance I landed this amazing traveling pillow. A lot of other peopl also thought it best they have found so far.

The evolaution pillow. The design is made to give you maximum support. It has height that you can rest your chin on with out tilting your head too much.The memory form is perfect for a pillow like this. The back of the pillow is flat so it can rest easily against the seat. You can also use back to front if you want.

It also has a locking system to keep it in place. you can loosen it or make it tighter according to the measurements of your neck.

This is a standard traveling pillow. It has no neck support. It has no mechenism to hold it in one place. If you are lucky it will sit perfectly around your neck otherwise you will be struggling with it the whole time.

Here are the three example of good design vs bad design. I have tried to give examples from different aspect. In the mean time I am going to start focusing on what other good designs I can find and what designs can be improved.

