Good design Vs Bad design (part 2)

Maleeha Naipaul
5 min readApr 15, 2016


Ever since I got into the General Assembly immersive program for UXD. I have started looking at the world around me in a different way.

When ever I have to do anything I am looking at the design side of it. How user friendly is it? Does well does it work. Does this design work for this particular product.

I found some more examples of good and bad designs.

Bad Designs

The first Bad design I discovered it in my cousins bathroom.

Looks like a regular bathroom but if you notice that there is no nob for switching between the tap and the shower.

I asked my cousin about the design. He said, that he had to call the building super to find out how to work it.

Couple of times when he has rented his apartment, his guests have also struggled with the design and ended up e mailing him to find out how to work the shower.

I went around showing some of my other friends this design and asking them, how would you get this shower to work. From five people only one person answered correctly because she had the same design in her college bathroom and she too had to ask someone how to use it back then.

You have to pull the tap at the bottom to get the shower going.

My solution to this to have a lever or a chain on the side of the tap to give a hint.

Bad design number 2

Most of the intercom system I have seen out side building are fairly simple. There is an apartment number you ring it and the person in the apartment buzzes you in.

I came a cross one system that not only was it confusing but a lengthy process. Especially when there were only six apartments in the building.

I would understand if there were 40 to 70 units in the building to have such a system.

First you have to find the persons name in the book. Along side their name would be a code that you punch in or the person gives you the code to punch in.

There were only six apartments in this building so why was there need to put such a complicated system. I tried to call the building managing company but no one could answer my question.

I asked the host if she had problems with this system,she told me that most of her friends would end up calling her on her cell to let them in. They told her that either the system was not working or they could not figure it out.

My solution, pretty simple get a simple design.


Good designs are hard to come by because one never thinks about them because they are easy to use. When you become a first time parent you are scared of almost everything

The most terrifying is when giving your new born a bath. They are so tiny and squiggly.

I was looking for a bath tub for my son. I came across all kinds of designs. Fancy, deluxe and high tech ones.

different kinds of tubs

While looking I came across something extremely simple. It was made of plain good old foam. It did not cost an arm and leg. It was easy to store and did not take up much space.

The best part is that it would soak up the warm water while the baby was on it.This would keep the baby warm. I could also give my child a bath alone. Once done I would squeeze the water out and make it stand on the side. Sometimes the simplicity is the best design I think.

Good design no: 2

Another baby item that I think is an amazing design is a baby carrier. Baby carrier have been used for a very long time by the working women. Each country has its own kind of traditional baby carriers.

For the example the Mexican people use Rebozo.

Amauti used by Alaskan/Canadian

There are many more examples. When I had my child I got the baby Bjorn. Having this little contraption was so convent. All I had to do was wear my baby. Pushing a stroller around can be hectic, especially when you are using public transport.

baby bjorn

You, have the freedom to move both hands. Your child is close to you. It is easy to put on and take off. The material is breathable. It is a brilliant design.

These are some of the good and bad designs I have come across and thought about.

