The Yin and Yang of Crypto Bridges: Benefits and Security Pitfalls

Nakama Labs
8 min readSep 1, 2023



Cryptocurrencies have revolutionized the financial landscape, offering decentralized, borderless, and censorship-resistant solutions. However, the blockchain space is fragmented, with various ecosystems operating independently. This fragmentation restricts the seamless flow of assets and data between different blockchains. Bridges act as connectors, enabling interoperability and bridging the gap between diverse blockchain networks. They serve as vital links and facilitate seamless interactions as well as asset transfers and liquidity between them.

In this article, we will dive into the world of crypto bridges, exploring how they function, the differences between centralized and decentralized bridges, and the reasons why they are essential for the growth and expansion of the Web3 landscape. Additionally, we will examine the manifold benefits they bring, such as enhanced liquidity, accessibility, and improved trading opportunities. However, we will also confront the security pitfalls that arise in the process of bridging assets and data between distinct blockchain ecosystems.

How Crypto Bridges Function

Crypto bridges, also known as cross-chain bridges, are the technological infrastructures that enable the transfer of assets and data between two or more different blockchain networks. They achieve this by acting as intermediaries, holding and locking assets on one blockchain and minting equivalent assets on another blockchain to maintain the same value and represent the original assets accurately.

The fundamental principle behind crypto bridges is to create a secure and trustless environment, where users can transact with confidence, knowing that their assets are safeguarded throughout the bridging process. Different bridge architectures utilize diverse methodologies, with each having its strengths and weaknesses.

Difference Between Centralized and Decentralized Crypto Bridges

Crypto bridges can be broadly classified into two categories: centralized bridges and decentralized bridges.

Centralized bridges: As the name suggests, centralized bridges rely on a single, centralized entity or authority to facilitate the bridging process such as centralized exchanges allowing withdrawals of assets to a chain. This centralized entity manages the custody of assets and data and oversees the conversion of assets from one network to another. While centralized bridges may offer higher transaction speeds and user-friendly interfaces, they introduce a high level of trust that contradicts the ethos of decentralization, making them susceptible to single points of failure and potential manipulation. One instance illustrating this occurred during FTX’s breakdown, which served as a significant connection for Solana. The resultant effect of this event led to the downfall of tokenized assets on the Solana blockchain.

Decentralized bridges: On the other hand, decentralized bridges leverage smart contracts and distributed consensus mechanisms to eliminate the need for centralized control. These bridges aim to provide a trustless and transparent environment, ensuring the integrity and security of asset transfers. These bridges are designed to be censorship-resistant, allowing users to maintain full control over their assets and participate in cross-chain activities without relying on a third party.

While decentralized bridges might not be as cheap or user friendly as their counterparts, they do aim to be trustless and autonomous providing access to all.

Why Crypto Bridges are Essential

This subchapter delves deep into the underlying motivations that drive the necessity of crypto bridges, exploring their profound impact on liquidity, trading, decentralized finance, and the very fabric of interconnected blockchain networks.

Enhanced liquidity and accessibility: Crypto bridges play a pivotal role in augmenting liquidity by facilitating the movement of assets across various networks, which is crucial for fostering a more efficient and interconnected financial ecosystem. Furthermore, bridges enhance accessibility, allowing users to engage with a wider array of assets and services, transcending the limitations of individual blockchains.

Improved investment opportunities: Bridges facilitate the movement of assets across various networks, enabling investors to access a broader range of assets and capitalize on a more diverse set of financial opportunities. This heightened accessibility and flexibility can lead to enhanced portfolio growth and risk management strategies.

Facilitating DeFi applications: Crypto bridges underpin the functionality of decentralized finance applications by enabling the seamless interaction of diverse assets and protocols. This interoperability is vital for the growth of DeFi, as it expands the scope and potential of financial applications running on blockchain networks.

Bridging diverse blockchain ecosystems: The diverse nature of blockchain ecosystems requires bridges to connect and harmonize their functionalities. Bridges allow for the transfer of assets, data, and even complex smart contract interactions across disparate blockchains, fostering a unified and interconnected blockchain landscape.

Crypto Bridge Security: Breaches & Solutions

The pursuit of an optimal crypto bridge design remains a journey in its early stages, marked by ongoing development and exploration. However, engaging with bridges entails inherent risks that demand thorough consideration. This chapter delves into the dynamic terrain of security incidents surrounding cryptocurrency bridges, highlighting historical breaches, vulnerabilities, and preventive measures.

Notable historical security breaches

Due to their pivotal role in facilitating seamless asset transfers between diverse blockchain networks, crypto bridges have emerged as a highly appealing target for hackers seeking to exploit potential vulnerabilities and gain unauthorized access to valuable assets.

One notable example is the Ronin hack, where a hacker used social engineering to steal millions of dollars in tokens from the Ronin Bridge, linking the Ronin Network to Ethereum. Exploiting private keys of validators, the attacker stole a substantial amount ($600M), prompting increased decentralization efforts and security improvements.

Another case is the Binance hack, which exploited a proof verifier bug in the Binance DeFi Bridge, resulting in the theft of a significant amount of tokens. The bridge quickly suspended validators and introduced patches to mitigate the issue.

Other famous incidents are the Wormhole hack that targeted the bridge between Ethereum and Solana, exploiting a deprecated function to bypass signature verification and mint tokens and the hack of Nomad Bridge, designed for cross-chain communication, which was exploited due to a trusted root exploit, leading to substantial losses.

All these incidents underscore the urgency of shoring up security measures and adopting a proactive stance to mitigate the risks associated with cryptocurrency bridges.

Measures to enhance security and prevent incidents

As the importance of crypto bridges within the DeFi ecosystem continues to grow, it becomes increasingly crucial to fortify the security measures against potential breaches and incidents. Let’s dive into an exploration of the various strategies and measures that can be implemented to enhance the security of bridges and effectively prevent unauthorized access and attacks.

  • Multi-signature schemes and threshold signatures: Implementing multi-signature schemes and threshold signatures can significantly enhance security. By requiring multiple private keys to authorize transactions, the risk of a single point of failure is reduced. Threshold signatures take this a step further by allowing a transaction to be approved with a subset of signatures, enhancing flexibility while maintaining security.
  • Decentralization of validators: Increasing the number of validators and ensuring decentralization is a powerful defense mechanism against attacks. Distributing control across a larger group of validators makes it more challenging for attackers to gain a majority control and manipulate the bridge. Continuous monitoring and audits of validators’ activities can further mitigate risks.
  • Regular security audits: Conducting regular security audits and penetration testing by third-party experts can identify vulnerabilities before malicious actors exploit them. Through comprehensive assessments of code, architecture, and processes, potential weaknesses can be detected and addressed promptly.
  • Code reviews,open source collaboration and bug bounties: Open-source collaboration allows for community scrutiny of bridge code, enabling experts to detect,fix vulnerabilities and be rewarded via bounties. Regular code reviews, peer assessments, and collaborative contributions play a critical role in identifying and addressing security gaps.
  • Continuous monitoring: Implementing advanced monitoring tools and intrusion detection systems can provide real-time insights into bridge activities. Anomalies and suspicious behavior can be swiftly detected, triggering immediate responses to prevent potential breaches.
  • Immutable smart contracts and timelocks: Deploying immutable smart contracts with well-designed timelocks can add an extra layer of protection. Timelocks prevent rapid or unexpected changes, allowing time for intervention or correction in case of suspicious activities.
  • Secure key management and access controls: Implementing strong key management practices and access controls helps prevent unauthorized access to critical systems and private keys. Encryption and secure storage of keys, along with strict access permissions, are essential components of a secure bridge infrastructure.

The Future of Crypto Bridges

The landscape of blockchain bridges is rapidly evolving, with an expanding list of supported blockchains and assets. With emerging technologies like optimistic rollups, a scaling solution that processes most transactions off-chain and only publishes a summary on-chain, and zk-snarks, a cryptographic technique that allows for private and efficient verification of transactions without revealing the transaction details, bridges are poised to greatly maximize blockchain network value.

As dApps deploy across multiple chains, user experiences become consistent, and asset bridging enhances opportunities. With ongoing bridge developments, will be able to seamlessly navigate platforms, reducing friction and minimizing blockchain relevance.

Shimmer’s Bridgeless Cross-Chain Vision

Shimmer is at the forefront of transforming the blockchain landscape by redefining the necessity for traditional bridges. Acting as a comprehensive infrastructure layer, Shimmer allows for bridgeless native asset transfers between sovereign blockchain networks anchored on Shimmer, seamlessly connecting various chains. Within this innovative ecosystem, ShimmerEVM emerges as a L2 chain built upon the foundation of Shimmer’s L1.

ShimmerEVM capitalizes on the advantages of Shimmer’s L1. In this symbiotic relationship, L1 is poised to become the bedrock for native asset minting, introducing unparalleled benefits like feeless minting and transfers. Importantly, this ecosystem empowers assets on L1 to be effortlessly bridged to one or multiple chains on top of Shimmer’s L1, with ShimmerEVM as the initial launchpad.

Conventional L1 networks permit the deployment of multiple smart contract chains. However, this approach often leads to fractionalization, where isolated chains lack the means to interact with one another. The conventional remedy involves constructing dedicated bridges between these chains. Unfortunately, this strategy presents several shortcomings:

Resource intensity: Building, auditing, and maintaining bridges for every network interaction demands substantial efforts and resources. Networks engaging with multiple other chains must replicate these efforts, resulting in significant costs.

Security risks: Bridges are prime targets for hackers due to the substantial value they contain. Their reliance on smart contracts makes them vulnerable to exploitation, contributing to a history of significant fund losses.

Fee implications: The profit-oriented nature of bridges introduces fees for users, which can sometimes be exorbitant, discouraging participation.

Shimmer’s ecosystem introduces a foundational layer for bridgeless value transfers in a multi-chain environment. With Shimmer, participants gain access to a novel token economy, enabling the creation, minting, and transfer of native assets in a secure, frictionless, and feeless manner. This revolutionary approach puts users in complete control of their assets, eliminating intermediaries and smart contract complexities. As assets are natively secured within the Layer 1 protocol, the integrity and representation of assets are preserved.

Nakama is eagerly anticipating the opportunity to launch its dApps within this advanced ecosystem, taking advantage of Shimmer’s innovative infrastructure.



Nakama Labs

Nakama is a Web3 builder and venture fund, we partner with founders, builders, creators and communities who are at the forefront of decentralized technologies.