Unlocking Real-World Assets with Tokenization: A Paradigm Shift

Nakama Labs
6 min readNov 10, 2023


In today’s digital age, we’ve grown accustomed to the convenience of one-click purchases for airline tickets and a wide range of consumer goods. Yet, when it comes to transactions involving assets like stocks, bonds or real estate, we still face time-consuming and often cumbersome processes. These transactions are held back by antiquated systems, excessive paperwork, and a lack of real-time capabilities. However, the advent of blockchain technology and the concept of tokenization has the potential to revolutionize the way we deal with real-world assets (RWA). In this comprehensive article, we will explore the world of asset tokenization, understanding its mechanics, exploring its impacts on various industries, and evaluating the opportunities and challenges it brings.

Tokenization: bridging the physical-digital divide

Tokenization is the innovative process of converting physical assets into digital tokens that can be recorded on a blockchain. The Blockchain Council defines tokenization as “the process of transforming ownership and rights of particular assets into a digital form.” This concept goes beyond financial assets and can be applied to a vast array of tangible and intangible assets. By utilizing blockchains and smart contracts, we can transform the ownership rights and economic value of these assets into digital representations. This opens up many new possibilities, transforming the way we invest, trade, and manage assets.

The process of tokenization begins by representing a real-world asset as a digital token. This digital token is then registered on a blockchain, creating an immutable and transparent record of ownership. With this system, ownership rights and the value of real-world assets are translated into digital tokens, allowing for seamless and real-time transactions. These tokens can represent a wide range of assets, from real estate, stocks/shares, bonds, fine art to carbon credits and more, offering a diverse array of investment opportunities.

Unlocking value through tokenization: advantages and opportunities

The advantages of RWA tokenization are manifold, creating a paradigm shift in the way we perceive asset ownership and management. Liquidity, transparency, and accessibility are some of the key benefits of this innovative approach. Tokenized assets can be traded in fractions, making it possible for a more extensive range of investors to participate. This fractional ownership model not only enhances accessibility but also reduces the minimum investment threshold, democratizing the world of asset ownership.

The synergy between smart contracts and asset tokenization is a game-changer, streamlining transaction settlements and relieving the administrative burden of transaction review and validation. The result is trustless, rapid and efficient transactions, occurring in seconds, as opposed to the hours or days typically needed in traditional asset transactions.

Moreover, tokenization brings transparency to the forefront of asset ownership. An immutable record of ownership and the rights of the concerned parties are embedded directly onto the token. This means that sellers and investors can access details like the original owner of the token, current dealers, and more. This enhanced transparency not only fosters trust but also reduces the likelihood of disputes and fraud, making it a highly secure way to engage in asset transactions.

Tokenization also has the potential to open up new markets for assets that were previously frozen, underutilized, or illiquid. With geographic barriers removed, opportunities for cross-border trade increase. Tokenized assets can be easily traded across digital platforms or networks, leading to a broader spectrum of potential buyers and investors.

Redefining DeFi with real-world asset tokenization

Decentralized Finance is another area where tokenization of real-world assets has found promising applications. The integration of real-world assets into DeFi has the potential to transform the industry by increasing DeFi’s volume, adoption, and risk diversification. Currently, there are substantial RWA assets outside the DeFi ecosystem that could be harnessed by creating a two-sided lending marketplace, fueling new decentralized applications. To ensure continued growth, DeFi must bridge the gap between traditional assets and its ecosystem.

DeFi platforms leverage the tokenization of assets to create a more open and accessible financial ecosystem. Through DeFi protocols, individuals can use their tokenized assets as collateral to access loans, earn interest, or participate in liquidity provision. This integration of RWA into DeFi opens up new avenues for capital efficiency and financial inclusion, allowing users to leverage their assets in a decentralized and borderless manner, all while reducing the reliance on traditional financial intermediaries.

In today’s DeFi landscape, a significant portion of its value comes from speculating on high-risk assets. Real-world assets can revolutionize DeFi by introducing stability and real world yields on-chain akin to traditional finance while expanding use cases. This added stability attracts risk-averse investors who have been hesitant to enter DeFi.

RWAs have the potential to significantly enlarge the DeFi market by unlocking trillions of dollars in real-world assets. This positions DeFi in direct competition with conventional banks and lenders, ushering in more secure investment opportunities and broader market appeal. DeFi’s RWA sector sees remarkable growth as traditional assets, including real estate and precious metals, become tokenized on the blockchain. As per a Boston Consulting Group report, the on-chain RWA market is estimated to grow to a range of $4 trillion to $16 trillion by 2030.

Challenges and risks in the world of tokenized assets

While the potential of RWA tokenization is undeniable, it’s crucial to acknowledge the challenges and risks associated with this groundbreaking technology. Valuation complexities and regulatory uncertainties are among the obstacles that need to be addressed for widespread adoption.

One risk tied to tokenized assets can be their liquidity, as digital assets may go through periods of reduced liquidity or even illiquidity. In certain market circumstances, it can be difficult or impossible to liquidate a position, leading to potential losses for investors.

In addition to market-related risks, regulatory uncertainties pose significant challenges. The regulatory landscape for tokenized assets is still evolving, and the classification of these assets can vary from one jurisdiction to another. The classification and regulation of tokens can differ based on the asset’s nature and its intended use.

Addressing these challenges and risks is essential for the wider adoption of tokenized assets. Regulatory clarity, improved risk management strategies, and enhanced investor education are among the measures that can help mitigate potential issues. To mitigate these challenges, collaboration with relevant stakeholders, including regulatory agencies and TradFi service providers, is crucial. This collaboration can harmonize regulations globally and focus on implementing standardized rules directly within the codebase of smart contracts. The transparent nature of blockchain technology can facilitate the automation of compliance, ensuring a more secure and reliable environment for real-world asset tokenization in DeFi.

The IOTA Foundation’s extensive connections with governments and organizations uniquely position them to take the lead in spearheading the development of regulations related to tokenizing real-world assets on Shimmer and IOTA.

The future of tokenized assets

As blockchain technology continues to evolve, the line between physical and digital assets is blurring. The tokenization of RWAs is at the forefront of this transformation, democratizing wealth creation and opening up new investment opportunities. The future holds exciting possibilities, from innovative applications in various industries, such as movie rights and natural resource investments, to bridging geographical boundaries and creating a more interconnected world of assets.

Another area with significant potential for tokenization is intellectual property (IP) and patents. Tokenization provides creators and IP holders with new revenue streams by allowing them to sell fractional ownership of their IPs. Smart contracts on the blockchain can automate royalty payments each time a tokenized IP is used, ensuring fair compensation for creators.

While DeFi protocols often are exposed to substantial volatility, posing challenges for investors who are not accustomed to these fluctuations, RWAs do not exhibit this characteristic, offering a more stable option if tokenized for those seeking lower risk within the decentralized finance landscape.


At Nakama, we’re on an exciting mission to tokenize real-world assets on Shimmer and IOTA. We’re deeply committed to maximizing the potential of these technologies and are taking an active and forward-looking approach to make it happen.

We aim to become pioneers in Web3 when it comes to real-world asset tokenization. The future is full of opportunities, and we’re already in the process of reaching out to potential partners who share our vision. We’re thrilled to share these updates with you, and we’ll be disclosing more details soon.

We will certainly keep sharing insights about RWA with our community and partners, so you are all set to jump right in when it becomes a part of our ecosystem.



Nakama Labs

Nakama is a Web3 builder and venture fund, we partner with founders, builders, creators and communities who are at the forefront of decentralized technologies.