Sergey Mavrodi died in Moscow-true or fake?

3 min readMar 27, 2018


Yesterday, Russian media reported that the founder of the MMM pyramid, Sergei Mavrodi, died suddenly in Moscow on the 63rd year of his life. But is it true? Previously, the media did not report about the hospitalization of the creator of MMM, about his health problems, and they also do not have any photo or video materials…

All the facts mentioned above have suggested that the death of Mavrodi is nothing more than a fake designed to distract the attention of Russians and the world community from the real tragedy — the fire in the shopping center “Zimn’ya Vishn’a” in Kemerovo. This version is evidenced by the fact that Russian authorities are actively hiding the details of the Kemerovo tragedy and are struggling to hold resonance.

However, the figure of Mavrodi is very resonant. In recent years, he has traditionally attracted the attention of the press and it is strange to assume that journalists have ignored his hospitalization. Opinion about Sergey Mavrodi can be different — someone calls him a con artist, someone- a genius.
Against the background of the latest news, we repeat the most striking facts from the biography of Mavrodi.
He was born in 1955 in Moscow. In childhood he was diagnosed with a heart defect, the businessman later told that he grew very sickly child.

His most famous company was MMM which he founded in 1989 together with his brother Vyacheslav Mavrodi and Olga Melnikova (an abbreviation of the first letters of surnames of founders), and later became the largest financial pyramid in the history of Russia. The company “collected” several billion dollars from the population.
In August 1994, Mavrodi was arrested for concealing the income of the company “Invest- Consulting” which he headed. And in October, 1994 he was elected in the state Duma, the investigation against the co-owner of MMM was stopped. After a year, authorities decided to deprive Mavrodi of parliamentary powers, as he did not appear on any of the Duma meeting. Also Mavrodi made an attempt to move forward on a post of the President of Russia, however, the signatures he collected were rejected by the CEC. After the loss of parliamentary immunity, he left Russia and was hiding abroad for a long time.

In 2003, he was arrested on charges of fraud, the victims in the case were more than 10 thousand people. The trial was completed only in 2007-the founder of the MMM was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison, and soon he was released, as most of the time spent in remand centre.

In January 2011, although the court banned him from doing business, Mavrodi announced the launch of a new project — MMM-2011. The machinator promised citizens who invested in the pyramid a monthly profit of 20%, and the disabled and the elderly — all 30%. A year later, Mavrodi announced that the new pyramid burned.

In April 2013, he announced his intention to take part in the presidential campaign of 2018. “I will move forward without any doubt! I want to help my motherland, and I know how to do it. So, it is my direct civic duty”.

In 2015, Mavrodi announced that the MMM is no longer working in Russia. In November of the same year he announced that he was behind the growth of bitcoin. According to him, the increase in the popularity of the cryptocurrency was associated with the beginning of “MMM China”, where bitcoins were accepted. He also said that he can bring down the rate of cryptocurrency: “If I refuse to use bitcoin tomorrow, it will collapse.



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