liberals think about Eid UL adha

Namal UK
3 min readJun 19, 2024


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The simple and easy meaning of liberalism is that I have no issue with anyone’s religious ideas beliefs or creed.

Being a follower of atheism or an atheist or an atheist means that I deny the existence of God and the world and creatures. believed to

Have come into existence by accident or through the process of evolution.

We have a wonderful spectacle going on. Claiming to be a liberal keeps teasing religions.

A claimant to be an atheist is a denier of God but considers it his first duty to tease religions.

As soon as Eid-ul-Adha comes that section of us who call themselves liberal and selfless starts raising their fingers on the sacrifice.

If you are a liberal what do you think of it?

How liberal are you? .

If you are an atheist, how did this concern you?

Those people who raise the flag of animal rights and speak with a polite question to them do you eat vegetables pulses etc.?

Where do they grow?

Does the plow work in the fields or not?

And during plowing underground insects and other animals will also die ?

They are not animals or they do not feel pain and pain is felt only by cows sheep camels etc.?

Humans are either divided into religions or reject religions. You are a follower of a religion or you are not

But you are a human being and learn to respect the beliefs of human beings from the perspective of religion and humanity.

If you insult someone’s religion you will get hatred in response. The religion that man adheres to is established by believing it to be the eternal truth.

What will you achieve by tampering with his basic religious beliefs?

Useless nonsense and that’s it.

Learn to respect all the religions in the world and all the festivals or rituals in those religions.

This is the religion of humanity. All of you are apparently born as humans and look like humans.

Even if you don’t think Holi, Diwali, Eid, Christmas, Easter, etc.

Are good then pointing a finger at them does not make a person beautiful.

As soon as a person does such an act he falls out of sight and when a person who claims to be wise does this, intense disgust sets in.

That is your wisdom is that you have no knowledge of your own. You should at least stick to one of your views.

If you’re a liberal be a liberal. If you are an atheist be an atheist.

I will not sacrifice I will install a water cooler.

I will invest money in such and such welfare work instead of sacrifice. After reading things like etc.,

I get the idea that brother, why do you want to do what you want to do by targeting Qurbani or Eid. Do not sacrifice.

But which insect is biting under the influence of its pain it continues to target the sacrifice.

Then we also have such a "sensitive" section which is very depressed and moaning about the cutting of the camel’s leg

But where does this section disappear when two Qadianis are killed in the name of religion in Chakwal or The Christian community in Sargodha is besieged.

He did not raise such a voice for humans. Animals feel pain, but human beings are fine because we were not religious.

Cruelty is cruelty, be it to an animal or to a human being. If you raise your voice on oppression and keep religious discrimination.

Then you are not a human being either. You remember the saying of the Prophet (pbuh)

why don’t you remember that "the killing of one person is the killing of all humanity."

That is why I often say that there are neither Marxists nor religious people nor liberals nor atheists.



Namal UK

Content creator, Social media activist , Living in UK