7 TikTok Tips and Tricks to Boost Your Traffic and Engagement

Minivan Campers - Bill VS
5 min readJul 22, 2023

The 7 TikTok Hacks You Need to Know to Grow Your Audience and Reach

a smartphone being held in a hand with TikTok on the screen in a blog about 7 TikTok Tips and Tricks to Boost Your Traffic and Engagement

If you’re looking for ways to boost your TikTok presence, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, I’ll share with you the 7 TikTok hacks you need to know to grow your audience and reach. These are proven strategies that have helped me and many other creators gain more followers, views, likes, and comments on the platform. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned TikToker, these tips will help you take your content to the next level and stand out from the crowd.

#1. Use trending hashtags and sounds

One of the easiest ways to get more exposure on TikTok is to use hashtags and sounds that are trending. This way, you can join in on the popular conversations and topics that are happening on the app and get discovered by people who are interested in them. To find out what hashtags and sounds are trending, you can check the Discover page, or use tools like TikTok Analytics or TikTok Trends. You can also see what other creators in your niche are using and get inspired by their content.

#2. Post at optimal times

Another critical factor that affects your TikTok performance is the timing of your posts. You want to post when your target audience is most active and engaged on the app so that you can maximize your chances of getting seen and interacted with. To determine the best times to post, you can use TikTok’s native analytics feature (if you have a Pro account), or third-party tools like Later or Buffer. You can also experiment with different posting times and see what works best for you.

#3. Collaborate with other creators

Collaborating with other creators is a great way to expand your reach and grow your audience on TikTok. By working with someone who has a similar or complementary niche, you can expose yourself to their followers, and vice versa. You can also create more engaging and diverse content that appeals to both of your audiences. To collaborate with other creators, you can use the duet or stitch features, or make original videos together. You can also reach out to them via direct messages or comments and propose a collaboration idea.

#4. Engage with your followers

Engaging with your followers is crucial for building a loyal and supportive community on TikTok. By responding to their comments, messages, and video reactions, you can show them that you appreciate their support and feedback and that you care about them as individuals. You can also ask them questions, create polls, or invite them to participate in challenges or contests. This way, you can increase your engagement rate, boost your algorithm ranking, and foster a stronger connection with your fans.

#5. Optimize your profile

Your profile is the first impression that people get of you on TikTok, so you want to make sure it’s optimized and attractive. Here are some things you can do to improve your profile:

- Use a clear and catchy profile picture that represents you or your brand

- Write a compelling bio that showcases your personality and value proposition

- Include relevant keywords and hashtags that describe your niche and content

- Add a link to your website or other social media platforms (if you have more than 1k followers)

- Use a consistent theme and style for your videos

#6. Experiment with different formats and features

TikTok is constantly evolving and introducing new formats and features for creators to use. By experimenting with them, you can keep up with the latest trends and innovations and create more diverse and interesting content for your audience. Some of the formats and features you can try are:

- Live streaming: This allows you to interact with your followers in real-time, answer their questions, share tips, or showcase your skills.

- Stories: This is a new feature that lets you share short-lived videos that disappear after 24 hours, similar to Instagram Stories.

- Shorts: This is a new feature that lets you create vertical videos up to 60 seconds long, similar to YouTube Shorts.

- Reels: This is a new feature that lets you create short videos up to 30 seconds long, similar to Instagram Reels.

#7. Analyze your performance and improve

The last hack you need to know to grow your TikTok audience and reach is to analyze your performance and improve. By tracking your metrics and insights, you can see what works and what doesn’t work for your content and make adjustments accordingly. Some of the metrics you should pay attention to are:

- Views: This shows how many times your videos have been watched.

- Likes: This shows how many times your videos have been liked.

- Comments: This shows how many times your videos have been commented on.

- Shares: This shows how many times your videos have been shared.

- Followers: This shows how many people have followed you.

- Watch time: This shows how long people have watched your videos.

- Audience retention: This shows how many of your videos people have watched.

- Traffic source: This shows where your views are coming from.

You can access these metrics using TikTok’s native analytics feature (if you have a Pro account), or third-party tools like Social Blade or VidIQ. You can also use these tools to compare your performance with other creators in your niche and get insights on how to improve your strategy.


These are the 7 TikTok hacks you need to know to grow your audience and reach. By applying them consistently, you can create more engaging and viral content, attract more followers, and increase your influence on the platform. Remember, TikTok is a fun and creative app, so don’t be afraid to experiment and express yourself. Happy TikToking!

I have worked in retail management in the US for many years and have created and operated a number of online stores and shops including an eBay store and ToStopSmoking.org, to help people stop smoking cigarettes.

Recently, I have been studying and learning about the benefits of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help people create suggestions for information that they can use in their everyday lives to be more productive, to have access to better information and options, and to get answers and solve problems faster. Using AI, I hope to make your life easier and more enjoyable!

Currently, I am building the brand “Names Using AI” to help people choose the perfect name for their baby, pet, social media, business, brand, or product using artificial intelligence!

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