Your Birthday

Nancy Ann Creed
2 min readMay 20, 2024


In 2008, I experienced the loss of my first child through miscarriage. I never had the chance to see your face or know if you were a boy or a girl. To hold onto you, I named you Aurora. Today would have been your birthday, and you would be turning fifteen. Though we couldn’t be together here, know that my love for you has never faded. When we finally meet, you’ll receive all the hugs and love I’ve longed to give you.

Your Birthday

The calendar turns, a cruel, indifferent page,
Marking a day unseen, on life’s unfinished stage.
A day of dreams, of what could have come to be,
A tiny soul, a birthday meant for thee.

My womb, once a haven, a cradle warm and bright,
Now holds an emptiness, a silent, shadowed night.
No cooing laughter, no tiny fingers curled,
Just echoes of a future, lost within this world.

But love, like light, transcends the body’s hold,
A whispered promise, a story yet untold.
You bloomed a fleeting while, a bud unseen, yet known,
A cherished thought, a love forever sown.

The world may not have known your smile, your touch,
But in my heart, my love, you mean so much.
A silent tear may fall, a pang of what could be,
But hope still whispers, “Though unseen, you’re free.”

This day we’ll mark you, with love that will not fade,
A birthday whispered, a memory gently made.
For though you’re gone from sight, an angel in the sky,
My love for you, my child, will never, ever die.

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Nancy Ann Creed

Nancy Ann is a writer, teacher, poet, & mother. She enjoys reading interesting stories, writing poetry, paranormal fiction, & sci-fi.