UX Cheat Sheet (Part 2)

UX tools

Nancy Douyon
2 min readOct 13, 2016

For those of you who are already have some knowledge of the UX field, I’ve got some tips. Tipsheet 2 will greatly help you with searching for UX tools that will help you on your projects. Enjoy!

A/B Testing

Accessibility Testing

Design Prototyping

Evaluating Design

Evaluating Information Architecture

Heatmaps, Mouse-tracking or Synthetic Eye-tracking

In-application annotation & user tutorials

Live Chat with Users

Mobile App Testing Tools


Process Aids

Remote Research

Research Notetaking

Screen Capture

Sketching & Visual Thinking

Surveying Users

User Testing

Web Analytics

Wireframing & Diagramming

It’s always a plus if you know coding languages. Whether you are using it or not, it showcases an ability to communicate with engineers. I didn’t list every possible graphic design toolkit, but if you have a particular tool you like to use, you can make some cool things happen. I’ve used Adobe Illustrator to prototype and my clients loved it.

Also check out:

Tipsheet 1: UX career paths and useful methods https://goo.gl/3mnwfw
Tipsheet 3 : What your UX portfolio should have https://goo.gl/Z0DgwF

