Stanford D.School workshop on Design Thinking : Define & Ideate

Nandita Mangal
3 min readJan 20, 2015


Part 1 : here

Part2: Define and frame problems for creative solutions.

Focusing on the specific needs of the user land on a point of view. Realize new insights based on your observations and inferences from the dining hall empathy exercises.

At this point, we were told not to worry on accuracy of the problem but follow an instinct driven approach to defining the insights. The goal at the end of this exercise was to focus on one meaningful challenge.

Observe → Infer → Insight

We met…..

We were amazed to realize…

I wonder if this means….

A case study : Old Tide vs New Tide

The old Tide targeted stay at home mothers as their main consumers. These consumers were focused on keeping clothes ultra-clean. The advertisements promoted germ killing powers and a tough stain fighting image. However today’s Tide is catering to many different kinds of generations.

Old Tide Ad focusing on stay at home moms
What about the young generation?

Men wash clothes too! Today’s younger generations are easy going and less modest at times in their clothes. During an interview, Tide observed that while the interviewee had a messy room his jeans were nicely kept on a chair.

“I rarely wash my jeans as I want them to keep looking like new for longer”

Tide’s Ahas:

Observation: We met a young man who really likes his jeans but rarely washes them.

Infer: I wonder if millennials care about clothes that means not cleaning them.

Insight: Its not about the cleaning. Its about the caring.

Techniques for defining our observations and creating insights

Say Do Think Feel: Dig deeper by categorizing your observations and learning about people.

Tensions, Contradictions, Surprises to Insights: Make the jump to insights.

Brainstorm & Go Post-It Crazy!

Focus→Flare to generate a ton of possibilities

Generate and brainstorm observations.

Mix diverse perspectives.

Transfer ideas.

Listen to your team and keep the momentum up.

Go for quantity.

Defer judgement.

Yes and.. adding on top of each other.

Ok to be silly and informal.


Thanks to our coach Makiko! for guiding us through the design processes.

