The most important question for every aspiring entrepreneur

Nandita Narayan
2 min readSep 9, 2016



Maybe you are a tech entrepreneur or a lifestyle entrepreneur. Maybe you are an aspiring entrepreneur. Or perhaps a freelancer?

So you are either providing a service and getting paid for your time.
Or you are building something that’s bigger than yourself. Something that will work with or without you in the future.

You are either focussed on growth and scale. Making a nice big valuable company that you can then sell out for a lot of money.
Or you are trying to create something simple that will support your lifestyle.

You are either working 80 hours a week so you can avoid working for 40 hours a week. Or maybe you are working for 10 hours a week and spending the rest of your time scuba diving.

But the question is..

Do you know what happiness means to you?

Is it building an organisation that creates change? Being invested in it for more than 100 hours a week?
Or is it dropping your kids to school every morning? And making sure you cook and eat with them every evening?

Perhaps you would like a little bit of it all?

Should you even care or should you just go with the flow?

They say..

‘The time to have the map is before you enter the woods’ — Brendon Burchard

