The power of sweetness

Nandita Narayan
2 min readAug 14, 2016



His wife of 25 yrs has been in a coma for 6 months. He just wants to tell her that joke. He knows it cracks her up. All he wants is to make her laugh…just one more time. And he won’t ask for anything else.

His story gets 772k likes, 200k shares and 170k comments from complete strangers.

Why? How come it touched a nerve with so many people? Is it really possible that there is still some sweetness in this world? Does it mean that almost 18 Million people following Human’s Of New York on facebook are genuinely kind people? I don’t know!

But I know that Brandon Stanton showed up every single day, taking thousands of pictures for many years before HONY became HONY of today. I know that you don’t have to be the coolest, the edgiest or the smartest, type A person, to ‘make it’. I know that sweetness, kindness and believing in ‘it’ can be just as powerful.

Doesn’t matter if it’s Italian leather or german engineering. All that matters is whether you can sell the warm fuzzy feeling.

This is Day #3 of the 30 day writing challenge. Yesterday’s post was:

