This is my favourite F word and why it should be yours too

Nandita Narayan
2 min readAug 23, 2016



Why don’t we do the things that really fire our heart with enthusiasm? What stops us? If we dig little deep, it always points to one thing — the fear of failure.

Where most of us get it wrong, though, is that Failure and Failing are totally separate. That person comfortably sitting in his office cubicle, doing the same soul crushing job, feeling inadequate about his life and doing nothing about it; THAT is failing.

Failure, on the other hand, is pretty damn cool. If we fail and we can still continue to play, that’s the sweet spot! Meaning, we haven’t mortgaged our house, our family’s security or our life’s saving for ‘that’ dream. As long as it’s an affordable failure; and more importantly; as long as we have learned from it, Failure should totally be celebrated!

Because if we have failed and we are still in the game, we are winning. FACT

Because nothing significant has ever been achieved without failing. FACT

Failure is life’s greatest teacher. FACT

And because ‘the one who fails the most, wins’ — Seth Godin and FACT

Maybe it’s time to change the narrative. Maybe it’s time to put a bow on it. Perhaps give it another name? How about Popcorn?

“The business I started last year has popcorned”.

That doesn’t sound so bad now, does it? And who wouldn’t want some popcorn in their life!

This is Day #12 of the 30 day writing challenge. Yesterday’s post was:

