This is why you are going to piss some people off if you follow your curiosity

Nandita Narayan
2 min readSep 6, 2016



Pissed they will be.

So you want to do what you want to do.
Or you don’t want to do what ‘they’ want/expect you to do.
Or if you are passionate about something and they don’t see it the same way.
And especially if that means you don’t conform to the social norm.

Then pissed they will be.

And why wouldn’t they be?
They are finding it hard to relate to you. You are not ‘fitting in’ with their cookie cutter life.
You are following your curiosity and they are wondering why.
You are putting yourself out there, even though there is no predictability of outcomes.
They care about the title, the safety, the validation from the world. And you somehow don’t.
Or maybe they are pissed because you are comfortable with being uncomfortable, while they are too scared to even try.

So pissed they will be.

And don’t you dare to fly.
If they are your peers, then you should do as good as them at best. Any better and they will be wishing you fall & fail.

And darling, fail you will.
Because if you are brave enough often enough, you are going to fail.
But what they don’t know, is that the one who fails the most, wins.
This hopefully you know.

So when (not if) you fail,
And they are waiting for you to join the party again,
What will you do?

Get back to the cookie cutter life or continue to follow your curiosity?

Because if you choose to continue,
Then pissed they will be.

And that’s just the way it goes.

