Why is our 4am voice is so mean?

Nandita Narayan
2 min readAug 28, 2016



My 4 am voice. Why is she so mean?

“I wonder if Steph’s come back to me on the quote”?

“Have to finish scheduling the posts today or I’ll miss the deadline.”

“Wait, did I press ‘send’ after drafting that long reply to Chris”?

“Damn! I forgot the call the dry cleaners yesterday”

That 4am voice. She is back. I thought I’ll quickly go to the toilet, and then go back to bed.

But there she is. That annoying chatter. That noise. How do I make it stop?
Oh, I hate this game she plays. Every single time!

Is there a way to shut her up or is she always going to show up at the wrong time?

I suppose that if I am not a sociopath’s, then she’s always going to be there. Every time I get up for a sip of water, I’ll hear her annoying voice, reminding me of all the things I should be worrying about.

She probably means the best, but I hate her. Because how am I now suppose to go back to sleep with all those thoughts and worries floating around in my head?

I guess I can’t shut her up.

Perhaps there is a way to make her my new best friend?

Because I know that the narrative is up to me. So if I can change the narrative, maybe there a way I can change the game?

How about..

“Ask and it shall be given”

“Seek and you shall find”

“Wait, did I press ‘send’ after drafting that long reply to Chris?” “SHUT UP!”

“Knock and it shall be unto onto you”


How I am supposed to control the narrative at 4 am is a different story and maybe another post.

