Traveling With Hearing Aids?: Here’s What You Need to Know

Nano Hearing Aids
5 min readFeb 26, 2019

Do you have a big trip coming up? Are you worried about traveling with your hearing aids? Here’s what to know about traveling with hearing aids.

Are you thinking of taking a trip somewhere on vacation?

Whether you’re cruising on the high seas to a faraway land or taking a weekend road trip with friends and family, you’ll want to know some important tips about traveling with hearing aids.

In this post, you’ll discover the essential hearing aid checklist to bring with you, special considerations when flying with hearing aids and critical road trip driving tips when wearing hearing aids.

Tips for Traveling with Hearing Aids

Here are some of the essentials you need to take with you when traveling with hearing aids.

What to Bring

When you’re getting ready to pack, make a checklist of important hearing aid items and accessories you need for your trip.

Cleaning Kit

Don’t forget to pack your cleaning kit. While things can move fast when you’re on vacation, stick to your normal hearing aid cleaning regimen for the best hearing aid care.

This will help protect your hearing aid from extra wear and tear when you’re moving your hearing aid around from place to place.

Wax Guards and Domes

You want to not only see the wonderful sights but also be able to hear the sensational sounds on vacation.

To keep your hearing aids in top working order, don’t forget to bring extra wax guards and domes. You wouldn’t want a clogged wax guard or out of shape dome to spoil the fun.

Bringing plenty of extra wax guards and domes to be ready when the need arises to replace them.

Additional Batteries

You will most likely wear your hearing aids more often when traveling than you do when relaxing at home. For this reason, you’ll need extra batteries.

Depending on where you are going (and the pace of your travel schedule) it might not be easy to get batteries when you need them.

It’s always a good idea to bring some extras so you can continuously enjoy your vacation activities.

Bluetooth Accessories

Do you use your Bluetooth often? Then it’s a good idea to pack your Bluetooth accessories for your vacation. Consider bringing a remote mic to use when you speak with flight crew or airport staff.

Charging station and Charging cable

Do you wear rechargeable hearing aids?

When you’re in a hurry, it’s easy to forget to bring something so critical for your vacation like your charging station and charging cable. Put it on your list and check it off when you put it in your bag.

Dehumidifier or Dryer

Will you be visiting a destination close to the water? Perhaps a tropical climate with high humidity?

If your answer is yes, don’t forget to pack your dehumidifier or dryer. Before you go to sleep, dry your hearing aids well so you’re ready for another exciting day where you’ll be able to hear everything!

Flying with Hearing Aids

If you’re planning on taking a plane and traversing the airport, here are some critical tips for air travel and hearing aids.

Wear Your Hearing Aids At All Times

When rushing around in the airport, it’s easy to set your hearing aids down and lose them. Don’t less this happen to you. Resist the temptation to take them off. If they are in your ears, you can’t forget them.

While air travel comes with its challenges, you’ll be able to hear important announcements like flight delays and early boarding.

You might not hear them when you’re not wearing your hearing aids. Even more important when you’re a solo traveler.

Pack Your Hearing Aid Accessories in your Carry-on Bag

Keep your hearing aid accessories by your side. In the event that your luggage gets lost or there’s an extended flight delay, you have access to your wax guards domes and other hearing aid paraphernalia because they’ll be close at hand.

It will be much more convenient than waiting to dig through your checked baggage.

Going Through Security

People worry that their hearing aids might set off metal detectors when going through security. If you’re worried, let the security personnel know you wear hearing aids before you go through a scan or metal detector.

If the hearing aids are identified during the security check and security staff wants you to put them through the Xray, don’t fret. The x-ray won’t affect your hearing aid.

On the Plane

When the flight crew announces to turn off electronic devices, people wearing hearing aids are not required to remove them. In fact, wearing your hearing devices will enable you to hear flight staff better.

Whether they making onboard announcements or asking if you’d like peanuts or pretzels! You’ll also be able to communicate better with your travel companions.

Pay Attention to Visual Details

Airports and airplanes have a lot of background noise. Even when you’re wearing hearing aids. Pay special attention visually to help you understand directions and conversations better.

For example, read the lips of the person speaking with you or look carefully at their hand gestures and body language.

Road Trip Tips with Hearing Aids

Road trips provide a great time to catch up with travel companions and enjoy the view while you drive along the road.

But the car noises like the wind coming in and highway noise can be distractions to conversations for people wearing hearing aids.

Here are some tips to help.


If you’re spending hours driving a car, it can get tiring. Especially when you’re straining your ears to hear someone speaking. If you feel tired, ask your passenger to take the wheel for a bit while you refuel your energy.

It’s always better to be safe. Keep the music in the car low so you can focus on the road. If you feel distracted and can’t hear the traffic when the radio is on, turn it off.

Bring Your Remote Mic

It’s fun to talk with travel companions on a road trip.

If you’re not driving and don’t have to focus on the road, why not place your remote mic next to the person you’re speaking with! You’ll be glad you did because you’ll hear the conversation with more clarity.

The Takeaway on Traveling with Hearing Aids

Visiting new travel destinations can make beautiful memories that can last a lifetime. Make your trip even better when you can hear it all by following these tips for traveling with hearing aids.

Need some items and accessories for your hearing aid checklist? Check out our affordable products. Or read our consumer guide to hearing aids.



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