Shark Tank Season 4 Episode 9

Naomi Simson
Published in
4 min readJul 10, 2018

Shark Tank Season 4 Episode 9

Welcome back to another week of Shark Tank! There are a few BIG valuations in this episode highlighting the need to work with trusted advisors, especially when it comes to valuing your business.

First to jump in the Tank to face the Sharks is…

Flu Away 48

Flu Away 48

Nicole and Steve have come into the Tank to sell us on the world-wide distribution agreement they have for a product, that they say, cures the common cold within 48 hours. With a background in real estate and business they’re here to ask the Sharks for a $1.5 million investment in exchange of 20% of their business. That values their business at a whopping 7.5 million dollars! Although the natural product has been clinically tested and TGA approved, they are currently pre-revenue, yet have a 3 year projection of 90 million in revenue. With no sales as yet under their belt, can they convince a Shark to part with that much cash?

Shark Tank Flu Away 48

Michael and George

Michael and Georgie, a husband and wife team, have a mission to inspire lightbulb moments globally. They have created handmade, customisable and unique floor and desk lamps that look like pencils with the electrical cord featuring as part of the design. The couple have come to the Tank demonstrating some good numbers to date and they are here asking for 90k for 15% of their company valuing the business at 600k. Currently in 35 stockists across Australia, US, Europe, UK and Scandinavia, will Michael and George light up one of the Sharks?

Michael and George
Shark Tank Michael and George
Swag Australia

Swag Australia

Peita is a mum from Sydney who wants to make a difference in the world and leave a legacy. She has created The Swag which is a 100% natural, machine washable, reusable, breathable, non-toxic and non-allergenic bag to protect your fresh produce. Peita wants to see The Swag in every fridge across the country because with produce lasting longer she knows she will be helping families across the country save money. She’s come to the Tank to ask the Sharks for 300k in exchange for 10% of her company, valuing the company at $3million. Will the Sharks accept her valuation and jump on board The Swag wagon?

Shark Tank Swag Australia

The Mason Baker

James has created his own version of edible gifts that won’t get wrecked in the delivery process — handmade jarcakes. He’s created some marketing edge by partnering with celebrity chef Maggie Beer to create a special gourmet Christmas pudding in a jar and he’s in the Tank asking for $50k for 15%, valuing his business at $333k. He wants to disrupt the gifting industry and has built his business on a shoestring budget while still living at home with his parents. James has loads of passion but he wants the help of a Shark, I wonder who will bite?

The Mason Baker
Shark Tank The Mason Baker

Another week in the Tank under our belt! Always remember that you can catch up on the episodes at Ten Play and shop the Shark Tank products here

My Shark Tank Australia page including blog posts, a curated list of products and companies from all seasons can be found here…

Originally published at Naomi Simson.



Naomi Simson

Co-Founder The Big Red Group: RedBalloon, Shark Tank AU. ‘Live What You Love’ & ‘Ready To Soar’