Go Inward — a guide to help you get clear about what you really want.

Narriman Richards
2 min readDec 8, 2015


My first eWorkbook is available just in time for those who want to get a head start on 2016!

I normally end off the year in reflection. Looking back is only useful though if it helps you to move forward. But here’s the thing……

If you move forward to the new (year) by holding onto old habits, thoughts, beliefs and patterns that no longer serve your greater good, chances are that you will end up in the same old place you find yourself right now.

If you in a good place and your life is presently reflecting everything you want and everything that is important to you, then that’s just awesome!

But if your year end reflection leaves you feeling like there’s something missing or incomplete, perhaps now’s the time to go inward.

This eWorkbook will give you a guideline in the form of a 5 Step Process that will help you get clear and define the most important INTENTIONS you wish to realise in 2016 and help you align your actions with your intentions to get what you really want in your life.

We all have intentions, most of them are unspoken, unconscious, unwritten and even unknown to us. We live our lives mostly in our heads thinking fleetingly about the things we’de like to have but never really taking the time to get really clear about them. Clarity is such a wonderful thing. It helps you direct your actions and it helps you focus on the things that matters most.

They say failing to plan is planning to fail. Personally, I don’t believe in failure but rather in lessons learnt. But I do believe in planning. If you don’t have your own plan for your life, someone else will make you part of theirs. And guess what, their plan will not always have the most positive effect on your life.

This eWorkbook will help you go inside of yourself, get clear, be honest and move you in the direction of your desires with focus and commitment.

Email me:( narriman@lifecoachingwithnarriman.co.za )to find out how to get your copy of this eWorkbook.



Narriman Richards

# Entrepreneur, #Mentor and #LifeCoach, Empowering, motivating and inspiring women to live their best life.