Stop being Afraid of Happiness

Natasha Link
The Startup
Published in
4 min readJan 12, 2020


Photo by Gabby Orcutt on Unsplash

I used to be afraid to let myself be happy. I was so used to everything in my life being shrouded in darkness that I let the dark become my comfort zone. It seemed as though every time I allowed myself to get excited about one thing, something else in my life would unravel. In order to avoid disappointment, I had stopped letting myself experience joy. Looking back, that’s such a heartbreaking way to live. I am sad for the girl I used to be. We all become who we have to when we are in survival mode.

The trouble is, the person we become to get through trauma is not the person we are meant to be. Once we emerge from life’s harsh lessons, we have to find the courage to step into who we really are. The stronger, wiser version of ourselves. If we embrace our vulnerability, we will discover that it is actually a form of strength. If you are able to look back on all the obstacles you’ve overcome with clarity, you will see them for what they really were. Opportunities for growth. Everything that has occurred in your life helped shape you into who you are now. Even the truly horrible experiences. Especially those. You get to choose what you take from those situations. You can label yourself a victim and wallow in self pity. Or you can realize the inner strength you found in those moments, and be the survivor you are. A warrior who fought the way forward even when the path was unclear. The choice is…



Natasha Link
The Startup

I am genuine, straightforward, and sarcastic. I have a BA in Psychology; an open mind, and a fierce heart. I hope to Inspire others with my words.