Top Facebook Marketing Tips You Can’t Afford to Ignore

Nathan Smutt
7 min readAug 29, 2022

Facebook marketing is a great way to promote your business, but it’s not easy. Here are some top Facebook marketing tips to get you started.

With over 2.7 billion monthly active users, Facebook is the most popular social network worldwide. This means that when it comes to advertising and building your brand, Facebook is still king. Understanding the intricacies involved in Facebook marketing is thus crucial to stand out from your competitors.

If you are a marketer who is wondering how to get more out of Facebook, we are going to learn in this post some of the simple but really powerful Facebook marketing strategies you can implement today and achieve instant results.

1. Make a Great First Impression With Your Profile Picture

A picture that your audience meets when they first come to your profile can either close or open doors for you when it comes to social media. A discussion on Facebook marketing tips that work cannot ignore the importance of a brand’s profile picture. Since it will be the first element, your potential followers will come across, choose one carefully. A picture that is 180×180 pixels should work. Don’t forget to keep it simple and minimalist.

2. Wow Visitors with Your Cover Photo

Alongside your profile picture is your cover photo. These two are connected at the hip. The importance of a cover photo is always an underrated factor in Facebook marketing. Facebook gives you another chance in the guise of cover photos to put up something that effectively sets the tone for all that comes after. Select a high-quality image and add your brand slogan or CTA to it.

3. Upload Live Videos to Generate Interest

Live videos are a relatively new feature when it comes to Facebook marketing. This amazing and free feature introduced by Facebook in 2016 lets you stream live videos from your location for your followers and friends to view what you are doing in real-time. Live videos for Facebook marketing can be really useful when doing a product launch!

4. Give Timely Responses

Another wise tip when it comes to Facebook marketing is that you should observe your response time. Remember that Facebook can also be a great customer care resource. When a customer unsatisfied with your service contacts you there, respond to them immediately. Today’s consumer has high expectations from brands due to the growing competition. That includes being able to receive answers to their questions and concerns within four hours! You can use social media listening tool for this purpose. Through Listening tools, you can monitor brand mentions across different networks to identify crucial conversations and engage with them accordingly to improve social engagements.

5. Use Facebook Marketing Tips on Native, Short-Span Videos

One of the valuable Facebook marketing tips you will find here concerns video content marketing. Native videos work hand in hand with live ones. Keep them eye-catching and entertaining. Adweek mentions that these videos get exponentially more comments and shares.

6. Diversify Your Posting

Facebook’s algorithm plays a huge role in deciding which posts fall flat and which ones get crazy amounts of engagement. Most brands crack the code by diversifying their content distribution. Therefore, mix external linking, text-based, photo, and video posts to drive engagement.

7. Add a Google Form to Get Traffic for Events

Want people to sign up for an event that’s important for the promotion of your brand? Make the process easier by displaying a Google form right on your feed.

8. Make Sure Your Posts Should be Search Engine and Mobile Friendly

Your potential customers are using Facebook’s search to find businesses and brands like yours. Help them find you by optimizing your page for it. Findable pages will do more than grow your fan base; they will also be valuable resources for people looking for information about your business.

Also, remember that there is a growing number of mobile internet users and it is important to make all your content mobile-friendly to cater for this type of audience.

9. Maintain Consistency With Images and Using Emojis

Presenting the real, human face of your business to your potential clients is one of the highly useful Facebook marketing tips. So, select a theme for the images you post and stick with it. Add some emojis to keep things interesting. Always be consistent with the tone and style around your images.

10. Use Geographic Targeting When Posting

Post for your fans located in different time zones. For instance, businesses in North America can geo-target their posts to the Eastern, Mountain, and Pacific time zones. That way, you can tap into all the segments of your target audience. In order to achieve this having a good scheduling tool will help you a lot. Through social media scheduling tool, you can schedule posts in bulk across different timezones across different social media networks from one place.

11. Time Your Posts Wisely

Facebook rewards consistency, and so do its users. Therefore, focus on timing if you want to optimize engagement.

12. Re-think Your Content Before Posting

Facebook marketing tips from experts advise being absolutely sure of the content you host on your brand’s feed. Only post your best content, so when you promote it — in the form of ads — you won’t be wasting your money!

13. Hide Posts instead of Deleting

Trolling is a reality that businesses have to face when using these social media platforms for marketing. Should you delete such comments from the feed, you will give the trolls further opportunity to denounce you. Instead, hide those noxious comments from your other users with the trolls — and their friends — being none the wiser.

14. Experiment With the New Facebook Ads

Facebook marketing experts know the benefits that the highly-targeted ad platform has to offer to them. With some experimenting and selecting of creative formats, such as carousel ads, you will have a good, interactive means of gaining new followers.

15. Stay Updated With the Analytics

Even if you follow the best Facebook marketing tips, you won’t know if they work without keeping an eye on your social insights. This area where analytics tool comes into play, social media analytics tool helps you to analyze your post performance and give you information on the kind of content that gets the most clicks and impressions from your followers. These data will assist you in optimizing your Facebook strategy to produce posts that drive engagement.

16. Target the Relevant Audience

Another important tip you should consider when carrying out your Facebook marketing is that you should always aim at targeting the relevant audience. It is important to do research and find out what type of audience is most likely to buy your product. You can laser target the audience by selecting the right age gap or demographic that is most suitable to find your posts or the information that you share suitable.

17. Conduct Contests, Games and Offer Gifts

When it comes to Facebook marketing, contests help you generate traffic fast. Contests are an effective way of exposing your brand or product. You can offer rewards to your audience for participating and this will help your contest gain popularity and ultimately you will generate word fast around what you are promoting.

18. Expand Your Business using Different Social Platforms

“We’re living at a time when attention is the new currency. Those who insert themselves into as many channels as possible look set to capture the most value. ” — Pete Cashmore, Founder of

Facebook is a powerful force when it comes to marketing, promoting and promoting your brand. If you are a social media marketer you will realize that sometimes one social media platform might not work for you. This is because different social media platforms have different types of audiences and this determines how your product performs.

Thus, it is important to diversify and explore different platforms. If you are planning to have a social presence on multiple platforms then we would recommend signing up for a social media management tool. Through these tools, you can handle multiple social media handles from one place.

While these Facebook marketing tips will elevate your brand recognition, there is so much more than a business needs for success. Cover all your bases with 500apps, which include HipSocial, work automation software, and much more.

