5 Love and Life Lessons From KathNiel and The Hows of Us Movie

National Book Store
2 min readSep 11, 2018


Kathniel is one of the most prevalent and strongest teen loveteams in our country. No wonder how they manage to have a solid fandom! Their movies always make it to the trend and being the talk of the town; but their recent Hows Of Us is a little different than the previous ones they had.

1. Love can be a battlefield — or not

While there will be lots and lots of allusions to love being a war that you have to fight many battles for, a very powerful cameo will give you a very different way of looking at love: that it is a process of growth that requires patience. And for this person (and us), whether or not two people grow together or apart, patience is all that makes the difference.

2. Don’t put your dreams on hold for the one you love

Now this is some hard pill to swallow for most of us. Oftentimes we mistake love for the art of compromising-even at the expense of our dreams. We hate to break it to you but if they truly love you, they won’t get in the way, and if they demand it, then do they really love you? Keep riding that jeepney.

3. Everyone deserves a second chance

Both in real life and in reel life, Daniel Padilla and his character have often been written off, for one reason or another. The fact that he is a revelation in this film, and the fact that (judging even just from the trailer), his character, Primo, goes through a redemption arc of his own, should prove this point, even if a second chance doesn’t necessarily mean getting back together with that someone.

4. It’s okay to be tired — sometimes

In romantic films, it’s often a turning point when someone says “pagod na pagod na ako magmahal.” The thing is, it happens to everyone. It’s how we recover from that which defines our relationship, not the fact that you got to that point, because, again, getting tired happens to everyone.

5. In love, you have to cross the line

You can always idealize the perfect man or the perfect woman, but in true love, you’d be surprised how many of your non-negotiables suddenly disappear, kasi mahal mo na, eh. It’s this transgressive act that shows what love truly is capable of.

Originally published at blog.nationalbookstore.com on September 11, 2018.

