The Brockhampton effect

Romare Ashford
3 min readOct 6, 2018

This is Brockhampton, self-described as America’s favorite boy band. Brockhampton is a collective of artist that first connected on an online forum, “KanyeToThe” in Texas before moving to California. Brockhampton as a collective that embodies DIY. Almost everything is done in-house; production, design, directing, and photography. Brockhampton received early comparison to Odd Future because of them off the wall music videos and style of music. To make it simple I’ll introduce the main members of Brockhampton; Kevin Abstract, Matt Champion, Merlyn Wood, Dom McLennon, Joba, and Bearface.

Brockhampton was first introduced to us in 2017 with the SATURATION trilogy. The boy band showed a range of different music style in their three projects. To put it simple Brockhampton is a genre-bending group that has roots in hip-hop. Brockhampton latest project, iridescence offers a new sound compared to the SATURATION trilogy.

Brockhampton fourth project was scrapped and remade, after dropping ex-member, Ameer Vann was dropped due to sexual abuse allegations. In iridescence, Brockhampton moves away from the sound of their first trilogy. For me, this album has more raw emotion and shows urgently compares to the other albums. Brockhampton leaves the catchy pop-rap sound you hear in the SATURATION trilogy and replaces it with more bass-heavy raps and a few somber ballads. Brockhampton range of members brings a vary of perspective to the music. The boy band last projects always sound different from the last, which keep you guessing as a fan what’s next.

Production in iridescence is constantly changing with dramatic beat switch and slowed-down vocals. After a few listening, Brockhampton hides self-doubt, anger, reflective lyrics with bouncing and abrasive production. In this project, Brockhampton gets a chance to re-define themselves. This project introduces Brockhampton again after losing a member and solidifies them as a great collective with talent and personality.

My favorite tracks on this album are “WEIGHT”, “WHERE THE CASH AT”, and “VIVID”. “WHERE THE CASH AT” highlight Brockhampton most high energy and unorthodox member, Merlyn. Merlyn as the main focus of this song bring explosive energy that meshes with the production. Merlyn and Matt trade lyric about having money after signing a record deal. This song is somewhat of a sequel to Brockhampton “CASH” from the first trilogy. In “WEIGHT” member vent about insecurities after becoming famous. Members create a reflective song with lessons learned from the music business accompanied with a crazy beat switch in the latter half. “VIVID” has a barrage of hype bars over a distorted bassline. Of the amped-up tracks, this one my favorite. Matt effortlessly steals the show matching his flow perfectly with the beat.

Overall iridescence doesn’t have the same replayability as the SATURATION trilogy. All that means is iridescence is the collective trying new things and only getting more versatile. For me, iridescence will be for bumming songs in the car and getting hype before track meets.

