The Benefits and Drawbacks of Hybrid & Multi-Cloud Environments

Nautilus Technologies
2 min readJul 6, 2022


The main components of hybrid and multi-cloud environments will be discussed in this post. We will also go over both advantages and disadvantages. Finally, we’ll attempt to draw some conclusions about the best cloud deployment strategy for your business.

Hybrid Cloud

A hybrid cloud deployment, as the name suggests, combines on-premise IT infrastructure resources with a public cloud provider. Flexibility and cost are the main two reasons why businesses choose a hybrid cloud approach.


More than one public cloud provider makes up a multi-cloud environment. Businesses typically choose a multi-cloud environment when they want to access the distinctive advantages or core capabilities of more than one specific cloud provider.

The Pros of Hybrid Cloud

Enterprises have far more control over which workloads to keep in-house and which ones can be outsourced to a public cloud provider like AWS in a hybrid cloud setup. In general, this model works well for regulatory issues.

Drawbacks of a Hybrid Cloud

Even while an organization can move some of its workloads to a public cloud provider, it must still deal with the expenses and operational burdens associated with maintaining a sizable IT infrastructure on-premises. In most circumstances, this also raises the cost.

Advantages of the Multi-Cloud

In theory, a well-planned and executed multi-cloud can provide the “best of both worlds.” An enterprise can use one cloud provider’s Software as a Service (SaaS) solution while using another public cloud provider’s infrastructure.

The Downsides of a Multi-Cloud

However, multi-cloud infrastructures are extremely complex, both in terms of management and security. Each cloud provider has its own set of protocols and methods of operation. As a result, there are numerous integration-related issues from time to time.

When to Deploy The Hybrid Cloud?

A hybrid cloud is appropriate when the nature of an enterprise’s operations or legal regulations need absolute data governance. In that instance, a company should use a hybrid cloud and keep important workloads on-premise.

When Should Multi-Cloud be Deployed?

For businesses that operate in less strictly regulated industries, the multi-cloud deployment approach is suitable. Additionally, the organization that is deploying wants to avoid the difficulties and expenses associated with running IT infrastructure operations on-site.

In a nutshell

The specific needs and requirements of an organization will determine whether to adopt a hybrid or multi-cloud. Regardless of the deployment approach, it is crucial that the exercise is carefully thought out and carried out.

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Nautilus Technologies

Nautilus Technologies is a leading provider of technology and cloud services.