Building Cyber Resilience: Eight Key Practices for Secure Organizations

Naveed Afzal
6 min readDec 21, 2023
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, safeguarding an organization’s digital assets requires a strategic and multidimensional approach. This article explores eight foundational practices that form the cornerstone of robust enterprise security. Beginning with the imperative task of identifying and protecting critical assets, such as core IT systems containing sensitive information, it delves into policy implementation to mitigate cyber threats. Administrative accounts and employee performance reviews play a crucial role, followed by a detailed examination of technical security controls, user security awareness training, and foundational security practices. The article concludes with a focus on IoT security measures, offering practical steps to fortify organizations against the risks posed by unmanaged IoT devices. Each practice is a vital element contributing to a comprehensive security posture, adapting to the dynamic nature of cyber threats, and fostering a secure digital environment for organizations.

1. Identification and Safeguarding of Critical Assets

Identify key assets, especially sensitive data in core IT systems. Ensure robust protection and ongoing monitoring for vulnerabilities. Scrutinize and validate access rights, conducting regular reviews to stay current on personnel with vital system access.

  • Precision in Asset Identification: Employ a meticulous approach to identify and categorize assets critical to your organizational functioning, emphasizing the identification of core IT systems responsible for housing sensitive information.
  • Comprehensive Protection and Monitoring: Beyond mere identification, emphasize the implementation of thorough protective measures and continuous monitoring. This strategy ensures that critical assets are not only shielded effectively but also proactively evaluated for potential vulnerabilities or breaches.
  • Dynamic Access Scrutiny: Rigorously scrutinize and validate access rights granted to individuals or entities interacting with these critical assets. Implement regular reviews to guarantee that access permissions align with evolving job roles and responsibilities, contributing to a heightened level of security.
  • Ongoing Understanding of Personnel Interactions: Establish a system of periodic reviews to maintain an up-to-date comprehension of personnel interacting with vital systems. This dynamic understanding ensures that the access landscape is continually aligned with organizational requirements and potential risks are promptly identified and addressed.

2. Policy Implementation

Enforce Acceptable Use Policy for robust cyber threat mitigation. Define acceptable asset use to establish a foundational defense against internal security threats. Explicit agreement and adherence are crucial to avoid employee ignorance.

  • Comprehensive Threat Mitigation: Ensure stringent enforcement, prioritizing a robust Acceptable Use Policy.
  • Foundational Guidance: Clarify the policy as the groundwork for asset use rules.
  • Defense Against Internal Threats: Emphasize policies as a defense against internal security threats.
  • Addressing Ignorance: Highlight the risk of lacking a clear policy, stressing the need for employee agreement and adherence.

3. Administrative Accounts and Employee Performance Reviews

Set a policy for admin account use, specifying authorization and acceptable usage. Implement an HR-managed performance review system with clear criteria for promotions and bonuses. Establish a defined process for addressing employee grievances proactively to prevent escalation.

  • Administrative Account Governance: Clearly define authorization and acceptable usage parameters in the policy governing administrative account use.
  • Structured Performance Reviews: Implement a performance review system managed by HR, outlining explicit criteria for promotions and bonuses to minimize potential misunderstandings.
  • Proactive Grievance Resolution: Emphasize the importance of a well-defined process for addressing employee grievances as a proactive measure to resolve issues before they escalate.

4. Technical Security Controls

Monitor user activities, especially on critical assets, with a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system. Enforce least privilege, limiting user access to reduce risks. Implement network segmentation for critical asset isolation and ensure swift offboarding to revoke access for departing employees.

  • User Activity Oversight: Emphasize the importance of continuous monitoring of user activities, especially on critical assets, using a SIEM.
  • Least Privilege Adherence: Clarify the commitment to the principle of least privilege, which involves limiting user privileges to minimize the potential for excessive access, reducing security risks.
  • Network Segmentation Implementation: Highlight the use of network segmentation to isolate critical assets, ensuring an additional layer of protection against unauthorized access.
  • Streamlined Offboarding Process: Stress the significance of an efficient offboarding process that swiftly removes access for departing employees, minimizing the risk of lingering security vulnerabilities.

5. User Security Awareness Training

Strengthen cyber defenses with regular user security training. Emphasize proper asset use, stress activity monitoring, and clarify consequences for unauthorized actions. Encourage collaborative reporting of suspicious activities to enhance threat detection and enable proactive mitigation.

  • Comprehensive Defense Elevation: Emphasize the pivotal role of user security awareness training in strengthening defenses against cyber threats.
  • Educational Sessions: Specify that regular training sessions are conducted to educate users on the acceptable use of assets, creating a foundational understanding of responsible usage.
  • Activity Monitoring Emphasis: Highlight the importance of emphasizing monitoring activities during training sessions, reinforcing the proactive role users play in maintaining security.
  • Consequences Clarification: Clearly explain the consequences of unauthorized actions to underscore the gravity of adhering to security protocols.
  • Collaborative Threat Approach: Emphasize the collaborative aspect by encouraging users to actively report suspicious activities, fostering a collective effort in threat detection and mitigation.

6. Foundational Security Practices

Boost security with strong passwords, regular updates, anti-spam controls, web filtering, and ongoing user education. These measures create a solid defense against dynamic cyber threats, fostering a secure digital environment.

  • Robust Password Implementation: Emphasize the importance of implementing strong passwords as a fundamental security practice, enhancing the resilience of user accounts.
  • Consistent Updates and Patching: Highlight the necessity of regular updates and patching to address vulnerabilities promptly, ensuring a proactive stance against potential exploits.
  • Anti-Spam Controls: Specify the integration of anti-spam controls as part of foundational security practices, mitigating risks associated with malicious email content.
  • Web Filtering Implementation: Stress the implementation of web filtering as a crucial measure, providing an additional layer of defense against potentially harmful online content.
  • Ongoing User Education: Emphasize the importance of continuous user education as a proactive approach, ensuring that users stay informed and vigilant against evolving cyber threats.

7. IoT Security Measures

Secure IoT devices comprehensively: inventory assets, segment networks to isolate critical assets, and proactively block unnecessary ports at the firewall. Tailor security practices for devices that may resist standard measures.

  • Comprehensive Device Identification: Clarify the importance of conducting an exhaustive IT asset inventory and network scans to ensure the identification of all IoT devices.
  • Network Segmentation Implementation: Emphasize the implementation of network segmentation to isolate critical assets, highlighting its role in minimizing potential vulnerabilities associated with IoT devices.
  • Proactive Firewall Measures: Stress the proactive blocking of unnecessary ports at the firewall, underscoring its significance in fortifying the security of the IoT environment.
  • Special Measures for Resistant Devices: Address the need for specific security measures tailored to devices that may resist standard security practices, ensuring a comprehensive and adaptive approach.

8. Foundational Practices for IoT Security

Secure IoT: change default passwords, configure robust settings, and apply updates. Consult OWASP IoT Top 10 for critical insights. Integrating these practices minimizes security risks from unmanaged devices.

  • Password Modification: Clearly state the importance of changing default passwords for IoT devices, underscoring the need for unique and secure credentials.
  • Robust Security Configuration: Emphasize the configuration of strong security settings on IoT devices to fortify their defenses against potential threats.
  • Regular Software Updates: Highlight the necessity of consistent application of software updates and patches to address vulnerabilities promptly and maintain the security of IoT devices.
  • OWASP IoT Top 10 List: Recommend consulting the IoT Top 10 list by OWASP for comprehensive insights into key vulnerabilities, providing a valuable resource for secure development, deployment, and management practices.

In summary, this article outlines eight key practices for robust cybersecurity, covering asset protection, policy enforcement, and technical controls. It emphasizes adaptability in the face of evolving threats and provides practical steps for securing IoT devices. In essence, these practices create a resilient defense, ensuring a secure digital environment for organizations to thrive.



Naveed Afzal

An accomplished leader in cybersecurity, data science, data analytics, and AI. Ph.D. in NLP, MS in Software Eng.