How to change your life: 7 quick habbits

Nazia Noreen
2 min readJan 2, 2023


‘’Habits make or destroy your life’’

Here we have 7 life changing habits that can bring success and mentally peace in your life.

‘’ Without a peaceful mind you can’t even think in a right way’’

1. Organization:

Most of the successfull people in the world are habitual to organize their plans every evening before going to bed.

This includes making plans about your priorities and goals for the next day. It seems like time taking but it could be effective to get success and you will feel relaxed to start your new day.

‘’People with stong planning succeed in life’’

2. Rising Early:

Successfull people are those who starts their day early and works on their golas.

‘’Dewdrops have success and peace in them, if you want to get it rise early’’

3. Personal care:

Your diet, exercise and your hygiene must be in your priorities. if you want change your life.

‘’Cleanliness makes your mind and body able to think positively’’

4. Reading:

It’s important to read whether you read for pleasure or to gain knowledge. If a successful person is your inspiration, you can bocome an inspiration of someone else. If they becomes successful, why you can’t? We all have same mind to think.

‘’A small achievement everyday sums up to a huge business’’

5. Networking:

People around you builds up your morals, confidence, willpower, and ability to think big. To become an inspiration or a successful person surround yourself with successful people. Make a strong network, it becomes easy in this era of social media. Exchange ideas, thoughts and openions with them.

‘’Don’t waste your time for an opportunity, make opportunities for yourself’’

6. Communication skills:

Confidence is not a thing that you can buy or earn. It’s your willpower to share your thoughts. It doesn’t matter how much fluent you are but, it matters how clear your thoughts are.

No need to get afraid of your sentence structure or grammar mistakes, you can’t make them correct without communicating.

‘’Works on your communication skills daily’’


Make a habit of sharing whether donating money, sharing ideas, or volunteering in your locality.

Lack of resources is part of life so, don’t make it a hurdle between your habit of sharing. You can volunteer your time, hard work, or love.

‘’When you share something, it will come back to you with interest’’



Nazia Noreen

Content writer/blooger/technical writer/script writer/translator/proofreader/editor