Human Teachers Vs Robot Teachers: Who Are The Best For The Changing Times?

5 min readMay 9, 2018


Over the growing nexuses of blended learning and especially with technology slowly but rapidly taking up the charge of shaping lives of many — be it the toddlers or the younger adults. In short, serving both the pedagogical and andragogical needs — human teachers have till date be noted as the ‘developing Gods’. Now, this is opposite to what and how we feel about robots or artificial intelligence.

Taking the current stances…

Say, our conventional believe of having a TEFL educator who is globally connected — thanks to the TEFL qualification he/she has fetched. And the learning activities would require the course-receiver visit a real classroom setting and indulge their latest teaching techniques or latest instructional strategies to make the young learners understand the lessons effectively.

Now the question is will it really be possible to have that same mental-set-up or emotional level if robots are made to teach young learners — who have their individual pace and spirit to learn and adapt.

Feelings that are beyond conventions…

Human beings are naturally gifted with ‘strong sensory feelings’ or what we say emotions, which is artificially imposed in Robot teachers. Even though instances have been odd nowadays, the sense of empathy, sympathy, social understandings or better to say psychological comprehends present in human teachers could not be ignored.

§ What forwards the Humans as Teachers?

The best parts of Human teachers are:

1. Human beings have different behavioural and psychological levels that define their social skills and interactivity. Even human is different and unique in their own senses.

2. Automatically human teachers are powered by such cognitive-social-psychological mixtures to make the generations learn naturally. It is prompt and no formatting or programming is required.

3. How much the technical developments are, it surely is difficult for robot teachers to match up to the ‘unique’ social skills and cognitive ratio exclusively found in humans.

The Case analysis — A case of Finland’s education system can be referred here where the educators are channelling different English language teaching or subject teaching methods for without using technical solution mostly.

4. Also, the conventional teaching approach gets a thumb up by using a creative spirit which is a creation of man’s own mind and soul. And the uses of such philosophies human teachers have all the natural tendencies to deliver the best and original teaching methods to groom a child.

§ The Positive part of being A Robot Teacher -

Perhaps one has only one positive effect of having the robot teacher within the education belt, and that is of completing the syllabus or curriculum within a fixed span of time, without falling loose or failing to face any error, other than the technical ones.

In case of English teaching methods, human teachers might take some spaces in terms of the time to complete teaching one particular lesson plan. This is adverse when the case of robot teacher comes in.

Robot teachers can accelerate the schedule of teaching based on the lesson programmed or formatted well in their system. They are followed up by the artificial intelligence which is nothing but an alternative or substitution of human basic reactions — something which the robots have imitated through the research and development phases.

This is can be possibly a good way to refer to live tutoring for the online courses or e-learning programs, if candidates are to select the odd hours. But that should be for a temporary period; maybe just too quickly refer to the FAQ’s of adult learners.

§ Discontent with Robot Teachers:

However, one single positive side could not totally ignore the errors or negative consequences of having robot teachers. These should not just be called as ‘negatives’ but they are actually the missing links which are evident in the robot teachers. And it is these robot links which makes pure grounds for the human teachers to survive the jitters of technological advancement.

Let’s unfold some of the missing-links one at a time:

1. It is not able to create a real or natural reaction to critically complex human tendencies or have the same amount of human touch thing. Somewhat it will be mechanically being presented, losing out the real human spirits of being living.

2. Robot Cultural lacks creative senses.

3. Robots, on the other hand, are used to read the human tendencies based on some calculative and categorically advanced research mediums.

4. Personally many feel a lot is still required to replace human teachers with Robots. Research is going on to make it them common in the classroom settings, which definitely is a hell lot challenging than situation programmed in their robotic system.

5. It may also hamper the student-teacher bond. Because feel is evident if the reactions are manual and real. Also, Human teachers should be there to continue with the effect of life, challenges, happiness and activities or else it civilization will be at great risk if Robots start taking the charge.

The Moral Mind –

In the end, it is all about beginning the glitch of identifying robots as teachers. They lack the creative insights borne naturally. What the artificial intelligence is doing is reading or imitating the behavioural approaches or figuring the regularities.

However unable to really understand various complex standpoints of human beings, the biggest asset of Human teachers is they are ‘real with their experiences, knowledge and analytical whereabouts’ and is not imposed artificially through software or programming.

In short, it is still possible to properly determine the emotions of young children carefully only if you are a human teacher — having the human thingfeelings, reality and genetics.




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