William Osei — Powerful Ghanese Art for a new generation

Ndwapa Kifu
2 min readMay 17, 2023


William Osei, a talented Ghanaian artist, has captured the essence of African culture through his powerful statues and paintings. His creations breathe life into traditional art forms, portraying the rich heritage and vibrant spirit of Africa. Additionally, Osei’s remarkable craftsmanship earned him the prestigious opportunity to design the trophies for the esteemed Septimius Awards.

West African King — William Osei — Art

Exploring African Heritage
Osei’s artistic journey is deeply rooted in his Ghanaian heritage. Drawing inspiration from the cultural traditions, folklore, and vibrant landscapes of Africa, his art serves as a visual celebration of African identity. Osei skillfully infuses his work with symbolism, showcasing the diverse narratives and spiritual beliefs of his people. With every stroke of his brush or sculpted form, he strives to preserve and honor the history and ancestral wisdom of Africa.

Powerful Statues and Paintings
Osei’s talent shines through in his mesmerizing statues and paintings. His sculptures, crafted with meticulous attention to detail, radiate strength, grace, and emotion. Each statue tells a story, depicting scenes from African mythology, historical events, or everyday life. Osei skillfully captures the essence of his subjects, creating lifelike figures that exude energy and vitality.

Similarly, his paintings are a kaleidoscope of colors and textures, inviting viewers into a world of vivid imagination. Through bold brushstrokes and a keen eye for composition, Osei breathes life into his canvases, evoking a sense of pride, joy, and resilience. His artworks often explore themes of unity, spirituality, and the beauty of African culture, resonating with audiences around the world.

William Osei’s exceptional talent and reputation earned him a prestigious commission: designing the trophies for the renowned Septimius Awards. As a symbol of excellence and achievement, these trophies needed to embody the spirit of the awards while reflecting the African heritage they represented.

African Warrior — William Osei Art

Osei embraced this opportunity with great enthusiasm, infusing the trophies with his signature artistic style. The resulting designs were a testament to his craftsmanship and understanding of the Awards’ significance. Each trophy exuded elegance and power, featuring intricate details that paid homage to African culture. Osei’s unique blend of contemporary aesthetics and traditional African motifs created a visually stunning and culturally rich representation of the Septimius Awards.

William Osei’s artistic prowess and dedication to African heritage have made him an acclaimed figure in the art world. Through his powerful statues and paintings, he showcases the beauty and resilience of African culture, capturing the hearts of viewers worldwide. His contribution to the Septimius Awards further solidifies his legacy as an exceptional artist and ambassador of African art.



Ndwapa Kifu

Ndwapa Kifu is an esteemed journalist with a keen focus on African art.