How to Handle Mistakes With Clients

Ned Specktor
1 min readAug 4, 2016


HAPPY THURSDAY! Today think about this…the next time a mistake happens, work quickly and honestly to fix it. OWN it. USE it as a chance to show you are human, you are honest, and you know how to handle difficult situations with grace and humility. USE it as a chance to show your AWESOME customer service. Mistakes are going to happen and a lot of times they are out of your control so FLIP it and show your customer how awesome you are and WOW them with how you respond. ROCK this day my friends! I appreciate you watching :)



Ned Specktor

Swag Solutions Exec at Tangerine Promotions 🍊 Creator of The Movement, A Motivational Musical 🎟🎤Sharing things I'm learning about business and life. 🤓