Me VS My Disability

2 min readMay 4, 2017


I have made so many introductions on so many websites that I have decided to just say it straight and what you can expect from me. Let’s just say this introduction will finish when I don’t post anymore here as there is a lot you don’t know about me (yet).

For the whole of last year I used to write a lot about my disability on my blog which was really engaging to people and overall people did find it very interesting to read. However, something happened and I decided to focus more on myself rather than my disability even though it was getting attention and people were interested! I wanted to start again the only difference being I wanted somewhere different to put it instead of putting with my other work, luckily a friend of mine was talking to me about it and she told me that she uses a site called Medium and FWRD which confused me a little (thanks for that Haajarah Hussain) so I looked into it and here we are!

Now you are probably wondering why this is called ‘Me VS My Disability’? I see it as me as a person and then you have my disability.

Hello, I am Isaac and I have a disability called something that you will all probably forget after reading it so I wouldn’t worry about it. In a nutshell I have no arms and use my feet to do pretty much everything, for example writing this right now, driving my powered wheelchair, editing videos and many other things. And here is where I will talk about my life as a disabled, the ups and downs, the things that you may not have known about and let’s throw in some inspiration to as people always need that!

Come and join me through my life, as long as you learn something or have a smile on your face after reading something then my job here is done!

If you want to read about ‘me’ then check me out here! Also, do YouTube so check me out!




Asking and answering questions that nobody thinks of talking about and talking about life as a wheelchair user!