The Common Fast Food Employee: Something you may not realize.

Neeko Millard
5 min readMay 20, 2016


So I work around 35 hours a week in fast food. It’s the only job I have, and I appreciate having one in our economy since I’m also paying for college. A common misconception is that this is an easy job. It is in no way easy. Now I can imagine getting one of two responses for this.

1 — “You only work one job, you should count yourself lucky that’s all you need.”

2 — “Work hard? Fast Food is one of the easiest jobs on the market, and it needs no real qualifications.”

While some of that is quite true especially the qualifications part, I must disagree with its level of difficulty. Anyone who has worked in the Fast Food industry will probably agree with me on this, but let me elaborate first.

I’m employed as a crew person at a triarc owned Bojangles. For those who may not know, this is a separate franchise from the Corporate owned one which I believe is much larger. Also, since these are only prevalent in the south east, if you haven’t heard of them, don’t be too surprised, though you may remember this image:

(C) Bojangles Inc.

If you remember it now, well you may also think of it as a favorite that time you went to the east coast. I’m often told that by people who come from out of town. Anyway, so as an employee of 5 plus years, I can do many positions in the store, and do several on any given day. For those who are more familiar with the restaurant, I am the person you generally see standing just outside by the drive thru speaker. Yes we do have an Out Side Order Taker for those times when we are just so busy that the end of the line is out of our parking lot. This happens almost every day at least once, and can continue to be this way for HOURS. Yes, I’m not kidding. Regardless though, if you haven’t begun to see what I’m talking about already, this is what crew persons are trained for. I also use that word loosely since a crew person is generally just set up with a more veteran employee to show them the basics.

So what am I trying to say here? Yes, I was getting to that. I would like to express to all you fast food lovers out there, that your food is put together by hard working individuals. Now, I’ll pause right there and point something else out before you react. When I say the employees are working hard for you, I mean as a unit, and this is not always the case, only most of the time. You have all probably seen those employees who give you the half lidded stare, and tap away at the register screen with your order. You then proceed to wait 10 minutes or more on a simple combo only to find it wrong when you finally get it. I want anyone who has experienced this (Probably a lot of you) to understand that not all restaurant have this. Yes, mistakes happen. I will be the first to apologize if I caused any mix up or problem, and will do what ever I can to fix it. I only wish for you to understand that many more fast food employees really do what they can to make sure you get exactly what you ordered, and as fast as possible without reduction of quality.

I’m now going to give you a list of things that happen from time to time, and ask that you don’t be too angry when they do.

  • Your order takes too long to make.
  • You received the wrong sandwich/side/drink.
  • Your order was rung up wrong.
  • The employee waiting on you looks like they’re posing for some sort of mug shot.
  • Your order is missing something.

I want to express that these things happen, but you shouldn’t become enraged over them. Yes, you may be late for work because of it, but you could have also given yourself more time to get there if you were planning to stop. You also may have driven all the way home before realizing the error. In most cases that merits you a free replacement meal to pick up whenever you feel like it. I understand you may have wanted it this time, and more immediately. You should never let something like that ruin your day. Just take a deep breath, and return if you so chose and explain that your order is wrong and you want it replaced. Please understand that that poor fast food employee that you get in your sights upon reentering the restaurant with your messed up order may not be the one to blame for the mistake. Please see that taking out any of your pent up frustration is only going to make said individual either become angry in return, or shrink back in fear of your accusing words.

As a Bojangles employee I just want to say, it doesn’t matter that I’m white, female or 20 something, I’m still human. I make mistakes, (Several a day or much more) and I may not always see them before they cause someone a problem. At least 80% of my co-workers only want for you to get what you paid for, and leave happy. We work for minimum wage, and so we may not always seem happy to work 7–8 hours a day without being allowed to sit down, and in some cases without any sort of break. Our job does not require much in qualifications, so you should not expect us to get it right all the time. Don’t expect us to have a college degree, or even a high school one in some cases. Don’t expect us to immediately know your circumstances when you come in to have your order fixed, even if the person your talking to handed it to you themselves. We serve hundreds a day, and please don’t be insulted if I tell you, I don’t remember your order, or your face, or even when you came in. Please don’t let this mistake stop you from ever coming back though that will seldom ever deter the fast food customer.

As the one who stands outside during the rush to take your order, I request you simply be patient with us. In most cases, a line may exist outside though inside, there is no one in line at all. Please do not be angry if you, like 50 other persons, decided to have Bojangles for lunch. We can only do so much.

My final words to you, the customers, is that I shall do what I can to fill your order in whatever position I happen to be in. I will try to keep you from waiting too long, and on those days that the drive thru is busier than ever, I will stand outside in the blaring sun, the freezing cold, heavy rain, and maybe even snow if it comes to that, and take your order to the best of my abilities.

On behalf of fast food employees everywhere, especially my co-workers,I’d like to thank you, and please have a nice day.

