Law Of Attraction = Law Of Stupidity

Neel Sethi | N⚡️S
5 min readAug 24, 2024


The term “law of attraction” has become increasingly popular. I would say this whole idea of “manifesting” is part of this social engineering agenda, the same as the idea of selling you the idea of chasing mystical experiences and activating your “third eye.”

Read a blog here for more info on “deactivating” third eye.

Third eye activation = living in La La Land. Pure disillusionment…

La La Land Podcast here:

So the Law of Attraction = Law of Distraction.

All these Gurus and all social media platforms are more than eager to get you hooked on their books, online courses and videos about this. Most interestingly, it appears they manifested their “money” by selling you the book/course. That’s how they make money. They then create content selling you a formula of how you can CONTROL your life and live your DREAM Life NOW.

In this blog, I describe how these influencers/ content creators create Jargon to sell you their “formula” to “manifest” your “dream life”.

Many of these superficial “manifestation coaches” on social media play into this superficial materiality and superficial spirituality. It’s why the idea of vision boards and using manifesting just to make money has become very popular; they are always appealing to your Lack and feeling of despair. Ego always thinks it’s not enough and wants more. So they use the “law of attraction” to just feed your Ego.

Here are blogs describing these manifestation coaches and how I see them.

The Law I will share later in blogs will be the “Law of Feedback.” From my experience, this Law is far more powerful and accurate than the “Law of Attraction.” But it’s a law I have conceptualised. I will also have a podcast where I speak about this law in depth.

See YouTube channel here to tune into it when it is released:

It isn’t for anyone who is into the Law of Attraction/ Stupidity because the “Law of Feedback” goes against everything you think is real and how you think and feel the universe works according to the “Law of Attraction”.

People think that with this “Law of Attraction,” simply by focusing attention and energy on one singular objective, they can “attract” it to their life experience. Normally, this entails endless denial and repression of any form of negativity to “act” like what they want has already been received. This only serves to trick the naïve “law of stupidity” followers into actually believing that they have received what they wanted. Of course, if you pretend to yourself enough times that you have received something, you will then be under the complete Illusion that you have received it. Why? Because your subconscious will simply cover up what you didn’t want to see.

So the “Law of Feedback” does the EXACT opposite. There is no pretence and no Force. No control. No trying. No Lack.

Many of these naïve “law of attraction” followers are also Reiki masters. I have had many who think they are in some buzz. Usually, it’s like they are high and riding this false wave of positivity, smiling and happy, and it’s unreal and unnatural.

I have seen many naïve sheep at these spiritual retreats, which vibrate at the same frequency in their endless “law of attraction” consciousness trap. Essentially, at those retreats and in these “love and light” communities, the sheep reinforce the consciousness trap. They police anyone who isn’t buying into the trap through scapegoating.

So, the Law of Attraction doesn’t work. Of course, I believe in quantum physics, etc., but I am saying that how most people apply and relate to this “law of attraction” will serve to DESTROY their lives and humanity. As long as these reiki masters and naïve new-agers are in this “law of attraction” buzz, they will have no reason to try and help anyone, let alone feel any empathy, because why would they do it when to create the ideal reality they have to “feel good”.

And apparently, they sell you the idea that if you don’t “feel good,” you will create a terrible reality. So, there is always this chasing of this “buzz.”

In my opinion, this is a form of social engineering as part of the New Age Religion. You ask why, nowadays, everyone is talking about the “law of attraction,” “third eye activation,” and “alpha, beta, theta.” It’s because it’s part of a movement. Then the question is, who is engineering it, and how are they profiting from it?

I explain it here in this blog:

In this blog here, I explain why all reiki masters, WITHOUT QUESTION, are in a consciousness trap and in denial about their reality:

I will write more blogs explaining the “Law of Feedback” in the future. This isn’t me creating jargon for the sake of it. This is exactly my interpretation now of how this Reality works. This is ALL the understanding I have accumulated from all these consciousness traps, seeing many healers, and learning many “law of attraction” practices.

You can see a blog where I explain how I manipulate reality now, and this isn’t using your “law of attraction”.

Ultimately, if you use the Law of Attraction and give Energy to False-Light gurus, you drain your own Karma. It’s up to you to decide what to do and what to choose. I explain Karma here, and the “Law of Feedback” is what I use to increase it.

I hope this blog has been useful and you take what resonates for you at this specific moment in space-time.

With Love,


I also made an Instagram video about the “law of attraction” and what these gurus sell you. Ignore that I call it the “law of attraction.” Now I call it the “law of feedback.” The phrase “law of attraction” is entirely ABUSED.



Neel Sethi | N⚡️S

A 21-year-old sharing his perspective on life, humanity and his life experience. Only read if you are READY to Receive as this is NOT meant for Most people...