Why Reiki is a SCAM??

Neel Sethi | N⚡️S
9 min readJun 26, 2024


I write this blog with sincerity and purpose.

This is simply what I have concluded.

I have had many, many Reiki sessions with many Reiki masters.

I, too, have abilities to perceive energy. Everything in my vision vibrates. I can see the etheric body of everything. I am able to scan energy and can feel energy with my hands.

I have also been seeing these spirits that just fly around.

Anyway, so I am certainly aware of the non-physical and non-local aspects of this 3rd dimension.

I am aware of the physics and have studied this.

So, I am not writing this blog from the perspective of an individual who is only able to perceive and understand this 3rd dimension and dismisses and denies anything spiritual.

I am writing this blog from a very intuitive nature, but I also use my logical mind, which I feel is valuable for breaking down and illustrating my points.

So, Reiki is a scam.

I am 97% sure.

Now, I will go into why I think this:

I searched on Google for reiki being a scam, as you do when you want to see others have/share your viewpoint. There is little. Of course, I am aware that Google is very heavily biased. I have also looked on YouTube, and what I saw is another religion called “New Age to Jesus”, where then these people talk about how Reiki is a scam, and they left the New Age altogether. Another religion and controlled opposition…

Okay, so I have been unwell; I sought energy healing to heal me from my illness. I have seen many healers. The first healer was so lost in his own disillusionment. Spiritual bypassing. Recommended Abraham hicks, dr joe Dispenza and David Icke.

This shamanic counsellor I have been seeing was under Teal Swans, Hay House and Osho’s teachings.

Recently, I have seen this lady who believes in all this “Starseed” nonsense and is under Ashayana Deane and Lisa Renee’s teachings.

So, I will connect this to Reiki.

Firstly, Reiki is a New Age healing modality. So, we need to look into what this religion is and why it is promoted. All religions are promoted for profit, control, and perceptual manipulation. I did some research. The New Age was created by the Theosophical Society by British-Russian agent Helena Blavatsky. The aim of this New Age is to push a “new world order” / “one world order.”

So, the intention of this entire new age propaganda is to programme in totalitarianism. This means to take away people’s sense of self and free will. To establish a One world order, this Luciferian New Age would have to somehow seduce people into thinking they are getting power, when what is happening in reality is they are losing complete sense of self, and giving their money, energy, attention and time away to all these stupid new age systems and healing modalities.

So Reiki is a NEW AGE healing modality.

Now, when I reflect back on these reiki masters I saw and connect that to what I managed to figure out from this New Age Agenda. The plan has worked. All these reiki masters seemed to worship their New Age False Light Gurus. They were unquestionably giving their attention to these UFO conspiracies and New Age Gods, essentially. They knew their position, but I felt every master I saw suffered from a pure Superdry-inferiority complex. It is the same in the conventional medical system. I have seen very snobby consultants. And so I thought this controlled “alternative” healing modality would have more grounded practitioners. Nope. So, every master I have seen thinks that they are like God. I recently questioned this massage lady and also this other crystal lady, who are both reiki practitioners, about their use of reiki and angels and their charging their crystals up with the moon. This massage lady laughed at me as if I was stupid and a fool for even questioning the system. The crystal lady also thought I was silly.

Another reiki master I had seen worshipped Thoth. Completely false light. As some sort of God. And worshipped Billy Carson. Again, false light.

So, the point is that this system of reiki, the “master” label and the idea of hierarchy ensures that the higher these “healers” get in the system, the more egotistical and brainwashed they become. They cannot see level with me. It’s complete denial and then a mocking of me to satiate their own fragile self-concept. If you cannot question your own religion, then you are a fool. You are then being programmed by the very thing you are scared to question.

So, Reiki is a sub-religion of the new age. It embeds the idea of hierarchy and only feeds the ego and the sense of a false superiority for the practitioners. It puts these practitioners in some sort of bubble. Anything the practitioner perceives in their reality is a vibrational match to their belief system. Reiki has simply placed a perceptual imprisonment and suffocated these practitioners in the confinement of this new age.

So, I figured out that all these Reiki masters are like clones. It’s a religion. They follow the same gurus, do the same things with their crystals, and hang out only with “high-vibration” people. They live in pure “love and light” and carry out endless spiritual bypassing unless they are under the spell of Teal Swan. They all essentially follow Hayhouse.

Great, so now I have explained how Reiki programmes the practitioner into having a demigod-like ego and imprisons them into a certain way of thinking. The seeking for power becomes the complete loss of power and sense of self. I can get 10 Reiki masters side by side, and they are pretty much all clones. It’s obvious to me they are part of this one world order.

Now, I will go from the patients’ perspective. I went to Reiki as I was vulnerable. The Reiki master gives me hope. Hope is the embodiment of despair. The reason why Reiki has good reviews even though it is useless is because it’s the chemical arousal of the attention and the psychological placebo effect that one thing magic is happening that gives the patient a “feel good” factor. I could simply act and pretend I am doing energy work, and someone else can buy into it and feel good.

So, all these patients are vulnerable. They go, they get a chemical arousal of dopamine. Then, in 2 weeks, they crave the same arousal and book in again. So, these Reiki masters are making money out of vulnerable people.

If I am God, I need NO reiki master. I simply manipulate my own energy.

Now, I will go into the Reiki system. The commercialisation of Reiki is beyond disgusting. I also looked into the regulation board of Reiki. Essentially, all alternative medicine and conventional are under the control of the one Satanic Consciousness. I thought it would be different, but when I looked into it, it was clear to me the New Age Agenda plus the Reiki system is being promoted by pure Evil.

So, my understanding is that there are different levels in Reiki. You get certificates to validate your ability. The Reiki Masters are very snobby, like I said. I have also seen that Reiki now seems to have different streams of energy, like “holy fire.” So they just keep on reinventing the wheel to monetise even more heavily. Constant distraction, consumption, production and monetisation…

So we have these Reiki masters who essentially have a slave mentality. Sure, they think they are Gods, but in the superiority-inferiority complex with super fragile Egos, they actually feel inherently worthless, which is why these Reiki masters constantly have to worship their New Age Gurus to look for external authority. They have 0 sense of self, like I said. The Gurus give them hope in this sense. They feel that these Gurus represent their views and opinions when, in essence, they are just like politicians. These naïve Reiki Masters are being played.

So, Reiki is created for profit. Of course, there is the mind control of the region, but money is also being siphoned. All these courses and degrees are designed to siphon money back into Reiki, which I imagine goes to secret societies, etc…

We have these Reiki masters, who are like minions, healing their desperate and vulnerable clients living in “la la land” with their false astral angels and ascended masters.

Now, I will go into the energy of Reiki. I cannot prove this. Most channelling is demonic possession. I feel that Reiki is an energy being channelled. I feel it is False Light energy being channelled. For the practitioner, the energy feels good. I feel that it puts both the practitioner and the client into false astral bliss. And denial. It is also addictive. I believe this energy is being sourced from the lower astral. I believe all these newer reiki energies are simply just rebranding of this same demonic energy.

Remember, not ALL frequencies are Good. It is important not to be NAÏVE in this spiritual new age religion!! An Energy being channelled can simply be controlled at the Source and inverted.

Now, I will go into the symbols.

I had a quick look at the Reiki symbol from the website: the Star of David. The Star of David is simply a symbol for Saturn. The hexagon inside depicts the vortex on the north pole of Saturn (666 energy). I have seen how this hexagon symbolism is everywhere. I saw the other day in football that the goal and the ball have hexagons. And then, in the breaks on TV, they show a Luciferian Rainbow plus the hexagons again from the football.

But then I looked into the individual reiki symbols to see if I also felt anything.

My intuition then briefly pointed me to the following:


Fire Serpent


Raku, for me, looks like lighting. Lightning symbol is also used in satanic agenda. Symbol . Harry Potter, Odin, etc…

Fire Serpent — Evidence of reptilian control. Again, the depiction of Kundalini and snakes is evidence of a non-human force controlling us.

Antahkarana- Looks like a cube. Six-sided cube. Symbol of 666. Saturn.

These Reiki symbols look stupid.

Another point: Regardless of the practitioner’s intention, these symbols have been energetically programmed, meaning that whatever the symbol’s intention actually is, that programme will be carried out.

Now I will speak about angels, etc… So, in this New Age religion, one of the ideas that were to be implemented in this Agenda was to make it seem trendy to communicate with Angels and extraterrestrials. They have made the idea of “channelling” seem trendy, whereas before, no one would have thought it was even conceivable. So, this is perceptual propaganda through the mainstream “alternative” media.

So, in these Reiki sessions, these “masters” call upon angels. Literally, in one session, this Reiki master had this super creepy picture of Jesus. But yes, she apparently called upon “Ganesh.” There is no way I can prove that it is real.

And now I am not naïve. So, in my opinion, I am going back to the intention of this Luciferian New Age religion. Why would they strongly encourage and promote all these well-marketed angel cards, etc? How do they benefit?

Then my inner voice told me that what if most of these Angels were simply imposter spirits? Archangels = Archons . Saturn = el. A halo on the angel is the ring of Saturn.

The wings are a symbol of Alpha Draconi’s (birds are reptilian).

Hence, these angels they are calling are most likely imposter spirits.

Then I thought, what if Angels and Demons are essentially like politicians? They’re just swapping roles, but they’re essentially two sides of the same coin. They are all under one satanic consciousness.

Personally, I only commune with God. Now, I require no spirit or entity. I have no reason to call upon anything else except my own light.

So, I have written this blog logically. I don’t feel there is anything else on the internet which would prove this in the way I have. This is why I left my shamanic counsellor. I believe there is more to the new age. I am not going to buy anything any guru tells me. And any Oracle card from Hay House.

I have no interest in Reiki. This isn’t power. This is just little minions giving their money to one CORPORATE spiritual system, DISGUISED as LOVE and LIGHT. I have no interest.

I can even create my own energy system. I am basically doing my own meditations. I don’t need to entertain this Reiki any longer.

With Love,




Neel Sethi | N⚡️S

Video blogs on Instagram: neel_sethiii ❤️ London/20 years old/ Healing